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2 Votes

Io - Slardar Combo - Increase Your MMR!

October 22, 2015 by Mlapa
Comments: 13    |    Views: 24073    |   

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RATE THIS HIGHLY | October 24, 2015 11:25pm
So. Much. Text. Too. Dense. Brain. Can't.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | September 5, 2015 12:37pm
i would recommend reading up on Sando's and sp12's guides, they are really good. Or even mine, they are decentish :3 (god i hope i didn't sound condescending)
L0bstz0r (12) | July 4, 2015 10:10am
Sorry guys, but this is just too short for a hero guide....especially since half of it essentially just says: "you need good communication with your teammate".

Where the idea of a combo guide sounds pretty amazing, the associated work is pretty immense.
Apart from the "Tips on playing Io" section, there really isnt much information on how to play this combo. Even in said section, there is more coverage on general support play, than io/combo specific.

Since this is your first guide (and i know, its not easy), here are some things i personally would like to see:

- Each heroes PoV on every stage of the game. (what is your focus as Slardar/io in the: early-, mid- and lategame).

- Item explanations. Which items do you choose? Is there a certain scenario where you go a different route? What is the reasoning behind a certain pickup...etc.etc.

- A broader section on skill usage. How do you use your spirits / relocate? Maybe even take some screenshots of good relocation placement (where/how/when to use).
Juiced | July 1, 2015 6:25pm
ChiChi wrote:

Lol who are we even talking about? Anyways, no offense taken.

And on the subject, keep improving your guide guys, you're on the right path.

Thanks man, We will keep working
ChiChi (47) | July 1, 2015 4:15pm
michimatsch wrote:

Maybe I was a bit harsh.
I tend to let my feelings take over me way to fast as ChiChi probably knows I even called her friend an a**h*** (tell him that I am really sorry).

Lol who are we even talking about? Anyways, no offense taken.

And on the subject, keep improving your guide guys, you're on the right path.
Juiced | July 1, 2015 3:02pm
michimatsch wrote:

Maybe I was a bit harsh.
I tend to let my feelings take over me way to fast as ChiChi probably knows I even called her friend an a**h*** (tell him that I am really sorry).
I just wanted to say that most aren't that much into combos but on the other hand no one covers these combos really in-depth so I'd say it's a niche.
Maybe add some stuff and go more in-depth about everything and you can get a basic amount of people reading this guide.
But maybe change the title it made me completly biased as it sounded completly like a " do what I do and get mmr" guide.
Maybe change it into "Expanding your knowledge" or a generaly name like "crazy mid duos" or... well I am not that good at writing that's why I deletedd two of the guides I tried to create.
So who am I to judge?
Anyways good luck

Thanks man, this is some great feedback that we can work with.
michimatsch (26) | June 30, 2015 7:47pm
Maybe I was a bit harsh.
I tend to let my feelings take over me way to fast as ChiChi probably knows I even called her friend an a**h*** (tell him that I am really sorry).
I just wanted to say that most aren't that much into combos but on the other hand no one covers these combos really in-depth so I'd say it's a niche.
Maybe add some stuff and go more in-depth about everything and you can get a basic amount of people reading this guide.
But maybe change the title it made me completly biased as it sounded completly like a " do what I do and get mmr" guide.
Maybe change it into "Expanding your knowledge" or a generaly name like "crazy mid duos" or... well I am not that good at writing that's why I deletedd two of the guides I tried to create.
So who am I to judge?
Anyways good luck
Juiced | June 30, 2015 7:45pm
ChiChi wrote:

Speaking as audience, yeah, I like to read about these sort of combos, specially like you did, mentioning in a very clear way even in the title that your guide will be about a combo. Of course I don't know if there's more people that share my view here, but I would continue on doing this and improving your guides, they are respectfull and informative, why not.

ok, since Mlapa and I play Dota together we tend to make new combos and would like to share them. I know these guided aren't great but we should be able to get better as we go. Thanks
ChiChi (47) | June 30, 2015 4:35pm
Speaking as audience, yeah, I like to read about these sort of combos, specially like you did, mentioning in a very clear way even in the title that your guide will be about a combo. Of course I don't know if there's more people that share my view here, but I would continue on doing this and improving your guides, they are respectfull and informative, why not.
Juiced | June 30, 2015 3:38pm
ChiChi wrote:

Considering there are guides about pretty much everything here, I don't think it is too bad to make one on a combo. The problem is your guide is that in order to make it a good way for a person to learn how to use the combo, you need to explain it more in depth.

Let's look, for instance, at your chapter "Learning to play Io! Tips and Tricks" = you have not a single tip in here, just some general remarks about people liking you better after you play it right and how you raised your mmr. If you want to present your combo, I need you to explain better what to do as an Io + Slardar: what items to buy and when, how to behave during teamfights, when to push, how to use his skills, etc. If you have such sucess and that many games why don't you use them as examples, even putting images up?

Here are just some tips for you to make this guide better. Good luck

Do you think that the general viewing audience wants to see these sort of combos? I just don't think making a new viper guide is all that... riveting. But if no one wants to here about combos (granted mlapa and I are new, so our guides will get better) then we will stop doing them. Thank you for your feedback btw, it was very helpful.
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 30, 2015 9:37am
What about MoC ? it should work well with your combo sas slardar works with unarmor
ChiChi (47) | June 30, 2015 9:33am
Considering there are guides about pretty much everything here, I don't think it is too bad to make one on a combo. The problem is your guide is that in order to make it a good way for a person to learn how to use the combo, you need to explain it more in depth.

Let's look, for instance, at your chapter "Learning to play Io! Tips and Tricks" = you have not a single tip in here, just some general remarks about people liking you better after you play it right and how you raised your mmr. If you want to present your combo, I need you to explain better what to do as an Io + Slardar: what items to buy and when, how to behave during teamfights, when to push, how to use his skills, etc. If you have such sucess and that many games why don't you use them as examples, even putting images up?

Here are just some tips for you to make this guide better. Good luck
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