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5 Votes

Invoking Fear

April 23, 2014 by jgranger
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Moodkill (9) | April 25, 2014 8:27am
Drum as core is pretty weird or maybe it's just me cuz I don't play invoker that often. And also you should change the wording like for example Invoker all you have to do is type {{invoker}} but replace the {{ with [[. Otherwise it looks pretty neat. Midas is also not a bad item on invoker, early levels and gold advantage is always good if you can get midas before say 6 mins? ( My opinion though)

+1 from me :D
Ancient Hero (17) | April 24, 2014 9:12pm
IMO, you want 4 points quas and then stop leveling it till the end and with the buff to invoke, you can put that off till later when you have the leveled up instances to pull off multi spell combos.

Also, if you make an invoker guide, please talk about combos. IE tornado+metoer+defeaning blast or tornado emp etc
Ancient Hero (17) | April 24, 2014 9:12pm
IMO, you want 4 points quas and then stop leveling it till the end and with the buff to invoke, you can put that off till later when you have the leveled up instances to pull off multi spell combos.

Also, if you make an invoker guide, please talk about combos. IE tornado+metoer+defeaning blast or tornado emp etc
Coded Binary (1) | April 24, 2014 7:48pm
Ok thanks, i think the quas is more readable, but i still have to "refocus" my eyes. It only takes like, 0.5 seconds, but if you really wanted to you could make it lighter, sort of like an "ice" colour.
jgranger | April 24, 2014 6:04pm
Coded Binary wrote:

Nice quide, very short and concise. If it is possible to make the Quas easier to see, that would be nice, but i think the colour coding can really help people. But i do agree, most healing items are useless on invoker early game because in this build he has lv3 quas at lv 5.

I just want to go on record and say that tango wasn't best starting item but I figured people who would only look at the build probably didn't know the hero well enough to not buy tangos so I stated you should start out with a circlet instead to begin your bracer which you can build into a drum. Also I changed the color for quas do you think its more readable now or still lighter?
Thank you for your feedback
Xyrus (104) | April 24, 2014 2:18pm
Rudd wrote:

why level up Invoke at level 7?

The rest of the build is very standard, the same as many other invoker guides already posted here.

This ^

Also, I beleive that a Null Talisman is much better than Blades of Attack + Iron Branch. You lose 1 Damage, but it costs 30 less Gold for the extra HP, Armour, Attack Speed and Mana from the extra Stats. It also leaves you open to build Travel Boots, rather than Rushing Phase Boots
Rudd (3) | April 24, 2014 8:35am
why level up Invoke at level 7?

The rest of the build is very standard, the same as many other invoker guides already posted here.
Coded Binary (1) | April 24, 2014 3:25am
Nice quide, very short and concise. If it is possible to make the Quas easier to see, that would be nice, but i think the colour coding can really help people. But i do agree, most healing items are useless on invoker early game because in this build he has lv3 quas at lv 5.

HP Regen : 3 instances * 3 hp per instance = 9 extra hp regen
Time to heal fully (lv5) : To fully heal at lv 5, you need 640HP/(9+1.05)= 63 seconds to fully regen.
Time to regen 100 HP : 100HP/(9.1.05) = 9.95 seconds to regen 100 HP
Cost for full heals : None

HP regen : Tangoes give an extra 7 hp regen, for 16 seconds for 115 HP, at 125 cost
Time to heal fully (lv5) : 5.5 tangoes * 16 = 88 seconds to fully heal
Time to regen 100 HP : (100 Health to restore/115 Total Restore)*16 = 13 seconds
Cost: To fully heal at lv 5, you need 640HP/115HP = 5.5 meaning 6 tangoes to fully heal, at a gold cost of 6 tangoes * 125 gold = 750 gold.

HP regen : 9 for Quas, 7 for Tangoes
Time to regen 100HP : 9.95 seconds for Quas, 13 seconds for Tangoes
Cost for full heals : Quas costs none, Tangoes cost 750

I think it is obvious which one is the better choice, considering a bottle costs 650, and the tangoes cost 750.
Terathiel (49) | April 23, 2014 7:23pm
I like it, but often I find as quas-wex and even quas-exort those tangos go to waste due to your orb regen. It's still wise to get them if you feel the need, but I rarely do. Also, I would recommend adding Refresher Orb to the items as it is an amazing item on 'voker. Other than those small nitpicks, good guide.
Terathiel (49) | April 23, 2014 7:23pm
I like it, but often I find as quas-wex and even quas-exort those tangos go to waste due to your orb regen. It's still wise to get them if you feel the need, but I rarely do. Also, I would recommend adding Refresher Orb to the items as it is an amazing item on 'voker. Other than those small nitpicks, good guide.
MunchkinEatter (1) | April 23, 2014 4:29pm
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