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6 Votes

Invoker 7.05 Solo Queue or Initiator

May 15, 2017 by DioX
Comments: 4    |    Views: 15937    |   

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WhosNuker (7) | May 31, 2017 8:26pm
You don't buy a bottle on Invoker. He has plenty of health regen with Quas and you shouldn't be spamming random spells in the first place so you don't need that much mana along with the shrine nearby. The split push build is poorly done. There is no fast end for Invoker as you need levels more than any other hero so you need to always be ahead. Also, you don't build a Dagon on an Invoker. There's no point in buying a Divine Rapier on Invoker. He isn't a right click carry, he's a spell caster. You don't full on jungle with him. You can go into the jungle when you clear the lane but he's not a jungler. Don't buy a Bloodstone. Sure he needs mana but a Bloodstone is really unnecessary and a waste of space. Also, Ethereal Blade is not a good item on Invoker as it's a single target item and you are an area of effect spell caster.
DioX (1) | June 1, 2017 3:52pm
*No mana* *what if quas doesn't do any damage instead you pick the meteor combo?

*Invoker can split push with an items*

*all caster items works on invoker*

*bloodstone is for situational use if you don't have enough mana or trying to suicide push because some people can't cast ghost walk right*

stop complaining you whiny little *****.
DioX (1) | June 1, 2017 4:00pm
like who cares anyways, some other guides only focus on 1 thing and that is a build that is not a core but a situational build. mine focuses on everything that enemies does to counter the hero build and I counter them back by buying the items the hero need to win the game.

and their guide focuses on long **** takes 30 hours that is not understandable and mine focuses on english-english easily learned in 10 min.
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