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yea honestly midas is the BEST item you can get in this mode (provided that you can farm it within a viable time) because not only does it help you to farm faster, but it gives xp, AND gold, 2/3 of the resources in this mode (the third being lives), so even tho its not very aggressive, it lets even the squishy maiden farm the rest of the blink that you started with slardar
You are very wrong about Midas. Everyone farming in this mode, someone even farm 3-6 slots and waiting for carry hero. Midas is great choice, I carried many games via playing with farm in this mode.
Cool Guide +1. The only problem in this mode is when you get Tinker and you sort of rely on BoT :(
Also, what do you think of Drum of Endurance for overall stats? I know you said it's situational, but like core?
Drum of Endurance looks too passive for me to be a core item in this mode. And, by any means, blink is better most of the time. Look: if your hero has any kind of crowd control, even single target one, you've got an initiator. Most of the time, you will have it. As I said before, aggression is a key to winning, and fast blink dagger makes you thousand times more aggressive.
As for Tinker, it's just one hero out of a hundred. Do the math, it doesn't worth losing 2450 gold in early game.
Cool Guide +1. The only problem in this mode is when you get Tinker and you sort of rely on BoT :(
Also, what do you think of Drum of Endurance for overall stats? I know you said it's situational, but like core?
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Cool Guide +1. The only problem in this mode is when you get Tinker and you sort of rely on BoT :(
Also, what do you think of
As for Tinker, it's just one hero out of a hundred. Do the math, it doesn't worth losing 2450 gold in early game.
Thanks for the reply and suggestion.
Also, what do you think of