Pros / Cons
- Early game mid sustain (Crazy long if you can last hit)
- Very easy ganking capability. (Ult has long range, and huge damage)
- Unstoppable if fed (Unless you play like an idiot)
- Very easy to chase opponents with thirst
- Shut down very easily by cc
- Lacks escape tactics (Unless you have thirst up)
- If not farmed/fed early game he fails late game (Accept for ult)
- Squishy
- Ult is useless unless your opponent is running
Creeping / Jungling
Tips for last hitting/pushing/minion farming/lane sustain
- Use your s key to hold off until a minion is low enough for you to last hit
- Denying your minions proc your passive heal
- If you're needing to push fast, use q on yourself for a damage increase
- Avoid auto attacking in mid, you want to have your minions as close to your tower as possible
I'll add some pictures here soon but for the mean time
As solo mid as seeker you want to rush boots + level 6. After 6, take a look at your map and warn your team you'll be ganking whichever lane you choose. (Select someone closer to your tower, rather then someone in a lane w/ 3/4 hp. The further they have to run, the more your ult does)
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