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56 Votes

In's and Out's of Sacred Warrior -Dom Rush-

August 10, 2012 by Snarfs
Comments: 31    |    Views: 150820    |   

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Cody_X | June 6, 2013 3:17pm
Im still questioning the lack of armlet, but other than that, looks good. I sometimes take one point in spears at lvl 2, but in a teamfight, dont touch it. Its only good to bother squishy supports in a sidelane (or if you are mid vs a QoP or similar.) This guide seems to have mixed results, either 0/20 or 20/0, but i feel if the player is good,so is the guide.
Davignon | June 6, 2013 7:45am
Thumbs up, I just don't like your starting items and I would change the skill build a little
AudSopha | February 1, 2013 6:50pm
So this guide is the reason I keep getting useless Huskars on my team who go 0/20 then claim they are using a pro build and it's everyones fault but their own. Do us all a favour and delete this. Anyone reading this guide should know this is a very bad guide.
Breakfast | January 25, 2013 8:09am
Registed on dotafire just to rate/comment this guide! Amazing work! Have gone 45 - 5 and similar in games following this, sometimes struggle a bit early in the game but once I get that mask/helm and my ulti. Game over.

Thanks for writing this helpful guide and know that you have my appreciation.
Zai-Jin | January 13, 2013 3:04am
soooooo OP! <3
supernothing | January 2, 2013 8:32am
best huskar build ever. never lost a game ever since i use this guide with huskar.

go mid, focus deny, then last hit.

morbid > HotD > boots > threads (maybe bracer, up to you) > bkb > crystalyst > satanic > heart or buriza. insta win, can at least triple kill every team fight. just remember to ult first before bkb.

one more tip: dazzle is your best friend, 1hp huskar is deadly.
Darby | December 18, 2012 1:08pm
I noticed you don't have a "situational" section in the item build, and was curious if there was a particular reason for it or if it's just assumed that people would know when to get things like MKB. because I lost a game as Husk doing this build for the first time and their Blood Seeker got a Butterfly and I failed to get MKB and we ended up losing (ignoring that everyone on my team fed to all hell). My favorite part, I was still 21/14/4, and our Anti-mage was 8/11/9 and he said "you didn't get armlet, that's why we lose." So I am just curious about where situational items would come in, and whether or not armlet is a good choice in this build as you completely ignored it even though I see many many many Huskars get it.
StevenLK (10) | December 8, 2012 8:36pm
The only thing I would suggest is Armlet of Mordiggian. Awesome stats for a strength hero and you basically cover degen with your lifesteal. Also provides a nice burst of hp if you ever get too close to death and they drop their nukes/stuns on you.
standaloneghost | November 22, 2012 4:50am
just tried this build. domo, treads, bkb, heart, armlet (by then i could keep it on all the time without losing hp) and crystalis. walked right up to their fountain and 1v5'd drow, luna, lich, invoker and cm. i will NEVER go burning spear again.
Bijlee | November 5, 2012 1:43pm
i normally go blood at 1 u should have the skill not to get dmged to much early on and by the time you have dom and power treads u can really pwn people so its okay if u rush a satanic like i do and when u have a satanic with a bkb u can completely stomp teams singe handedly. other than great strat have used this all the time other than for the crsytalys as when u have a satanic its normally already gg
LivelyRoyale | October 2, 2012 10:14am
This build is sick.
NotSureIf (16) | August 30, 2012 6:06pm
Sp12 wrote:

I can't believe people actually think this is good. Granted, this is a Huskar guide, and Huskar is recommended for new players.

Guys burning spears is your orb. You get it to harass without getting creep agro. Not getting it at level 1 or 2 basically means your laning/ganking stage is not going to go as well as it should. Being able to harass in lane and gank without creep/tower agro is super important. One point and never get it again.

Though it's actually super imba to get a ghost scepter after BKB and pwn face orbwalking. Then again maybe that's me trolling.

In most cases there is no one way to build any heroes on Dota 2 but in this case I can't help but agree with Sp12 on this. Burning Spear is a very powerful orb early in the game, especially if you're laning against squishy heroes like Crystal Maiden. It's crucial to get at level 1 or 2 so you can potentially drive your laning opposition out of the lane, making it even easier for you to farm.
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