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Thanks for writing this helpful guide and know that you have my appreciation.
go mid, focus deny, then last hit.
morbid > HotD > boots > threads (maybe bracer, up to you) > bkb > crystalyst > satanic > heart or buriza. insta win, can at least triple kill every team fight. just remember to ult first before bkb.
one more tip: dazzle is your best friend, 1hp huskar is deadly.
I can't believe people actually think this is good. Granted, this is a Huskar guide, and Huskar is recommended for new players.
Guys burning spears is your orb. You get it to harass without getting creep agro. Not getting it at level 1 or 2 basically means your laning/ganking stage is not going to go as well as it should. Being able to harass in lane and gank without creep/tower agro is super important. One point and never get it again.
Though it's actually super imba to get a ghost scepter after BKB and pwn face orbwalking. Then again maybe that's me trolling.
In most cases there is no one way to build any heroes on Dota 2 but in this case I can't help but agree with Sp12 on this.