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Info for beginners

October 22, 2013 by Yimbler
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Info for beginners

October 22, 2013


One of the biggest mistake that a noob makes is feeding and screwing his team and himself. Feed equals death and death equals less play time and that equals not much fun.



1. When playing the number one thing that you will want to lookout for early game are towers, they hit for over 100 damage and they can kill you fairly quickly when you are a low level. So if you are a low level and it starts hitting you run away immediately so you do not die.

2. Watch out for enemy stuns, a lot of heroes in Dota have a stun or a slow ability and early game this can get you killed by a tower even if you try and run away from a tower so that you do not die. So when fighting near a tower make sure that you know what kinda moves that your enemies have and watch to see when they use them.

3. If you are chasing down a enemy hero and they run by one of there towers DO NOT try and kill them anyway, a lot of noobs think that it is worth trading your life for there when it is really not. Every time you die you hurt your team a little so try and avoid dying even if it means a kill.

Team fights

Team fights

1. When in a team fight there will always be an enemy hero who is soon gonna die and you may think to yourself that it would be great to kill him yourself and that EXP and Gold that you get from the kill would really help. If another teammate has done a lot more damage than you to the enemy then DO NOT attack the enemy hero unless it seems as if your teammate might die.

2. When a team fight starts use all of your moves at the same time on an enemy so that you can take them out as soon as possible. The longer an enemy hangs around the more damage that your team takes.

3. If your teammate is low on health and is trying to escape the fight and you have a move to stun or slow the enemy then use it so that your teammate can get away you dont want your teammate feeding. This also good manners and it makes it so people are less likely to rage quit the game or not help you the better you are the better they will be. Also if worst comes to worst go head on and abandon your current (if you know u can survive) and just defend your teammate.



1. Later in the game you might find yourself a little low on money or just about to get an item that you want, the most effective way to get money (besides killing heroes) is killing the creeps that hide in the jungle. They offer larger amounts of money than creeps that are in lanes and more EXP but they are harder.

2. Farming Lanes is a good way to make money but it can be dangerous because there is a very good chance that the enemy team will try and multi team you to stop your farm/ push and get some money themselves. So if you are lane farming make sure that you are careful and have a way to get out.



1. This is a very strong creep and is not very easy to kill, it has bashes and magic immunity so intel based heroes can not kill this guy on there own.

2. Every time he dies and comes back to life (respawn time of 8-11 mins) he comes back with more health and higher damage and eventually another move or two, just so that he cant get farmed very easily.

3. When Roshan dies the entire team will get about 250-300 gold given to them for this kill.

4. When Roshan dies the other team will be informed so you might need to get ready for a fight when you kill him.

5. When he dies he will always drop and item that will revive you when you die but it gets used up, also it can drop an item called the cheese that can be used instantly and basically fully heals you and gives you full mana.



1. Your home base has five towers set to defend it from enemy creeps and heroes. One is at each entrance and two are right in front of your ancient.

2. Your enemy can not kill your Ancient until they break the two towers right in front of it.

3. Your base has barracks where your creeps are made.

4. Your barracks can not be broken until the tower in front of it is broke.

5. You have something called a fountain right behind where you spawn that will heal your hero very quickly and give you mana very quickly also if the enemy goes within this little safe area the tower will attack at about 100 damage every .1 seconds to it is usually a safe place unless the other team is to fed.



1. Each team has creeps that attack they start out in small squads and over time will grow bigger and bigger while they try and beat each other. It starts with only melee and ranged but eventually will add siege.

2. If not hero kills a creep then the game will forever be at a stale mate and will not end. but if even one dies the team that lost it will lose (after a long time if only one is killed).

3. When you destroy your enemies barracks your creeps that are in the lane were the tower was destroyed start to become mega creeps which give half the gold and half the EXP and have the ability to overpower towers.


If you have any more questions we can talk over steam. My name is Yimbler.

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