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210 Votes

iN7.Ganker's guide to Invoker

August 3, 2014 by iN7.Ganker
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Proronzxc07 | July 28, 2019 6:56am
This is the best way to perfect how to use invoker just watch this tutorial . Everything will change hope you like it guys. Thank me later. Just click it
ArchFusion | September 30, 2016 7:14am
Alacrity targets allied units
Iman47 | September 2, 2016 4:11pm
I think it takes a day to read this guide :/
michimatsch (26) | September 3, 2016 6:35am
This is a rather normal -sized guide.
Most members who are used to create guide create guides of this size.
If you want a shorter guides they are always out there...these guides are to truly master a hero.
Zielak | January 9, 2016 9:13am
Nice guide, but it baffles me that you didn't mention midas (xp gain is one of thr most important things for invo), as well as orchid. I like playing him offlane where you have easy acces to components of orchid and dual sobi masks can improove your emp, +tornado harrasment. Also, i like to use emp then rightclick with cold snap and finish with tornado, gr8 when you have phase and supps are still low lvl. About solo pick offs, you can basicaly turn into clinkz with gw and orchid, which was extensively used during some time in comp meta
T-Tiger | July 22, 2015 12:02pm
nice guide
Finalized (1) | May 19, 2015 7:25pm
I almost always build an orchid on my Quas-Wex Invoker. I think you should add that somewhere. if i missed it sorry, i rushed through it -_-

All and all, a fantastic guide. +1
TeCool | February 2, 2015 3:17am
If you paired with bloodseeker, can you go with quas build (like exort build, you don't focus on the other 2, but you DO put levels in them) and spam cold snap while bloodseeker casts that giant 3-second charge up AOE spell (I forgot the name), then cast rupture after invoker uses all his useful stun moves?

How does invoker go with Bloodseeker or pheonix in general, and how does a full quas or wex build end in general? I can see wex absolutely destroying teams with slow-casters, and quas doing well with Lina deciding to take mid lane against invoker.

But then again I don't know enough to compare as I might be playing the builds I test incorrectly...

The reason I'm asking is because I know some guys who play these heroes and wonder how many combos we can pull together.
UltimateHD | December 23, 2014 12:02pm
i love u best build ever
wangyuphing (9) | December 17, 2014 4:16am
Super nice guide! You break Invoker into so many parts and lets us choose WISELY what type should we use. One question though, if I use all 10 Invoker skills, then I use Refresher Orb, will all of the skill got refreshed or only the 2 last skills I used??
Schichteln | November 5, 2014 1:25am
very good guide!
But their is one thing which misses.
if you are playing quas wex invoke against an anti-mage you should get an orchid.
which is probably very helpful against his blink and to shut him down very fast!

all in all a good guide!
Ozohje | October 13, 2014 6:00am
Very nice, should be called Invoker bible instead of guide.:)
Dunno if anyone noticed yet, since I'm not going to read all the comments here, but as "Type Targets" for Alacrity you specified "Active Enemy Units", that should be Allied Heroes. (everything else about Alacrity is very OK :) )
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