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and yeah, bane is very difficult to deal with due to him sleeping you as well as sleeping himself.
I also think shadow blade should be considered more of a situational pick up now with its increased cooldown. There are still plenty of games where you can grab it (especially in normal tier pubs) but armlet is really cost efficient and also allows you to fight if you won't have 20+ minutes to farm big items.
You should also add build tabs for support and mid alchemist. He is a versatile hero and doesn't need to always be the hard carry. This is why you see him picked up early on in drafts so he does not give away your lanes as he can be mid / support / carry. Go read some of the Alchemist guides over on PD. Although dated, they do a much better job of explaining the mindset of what you can do with Alchemist. He doesn't have to be the pigeon-holed ricing goblin's greed carry. Versatility is one of his greatest strengths.
1.0.3 - Added the "Recent changes and their influence" section - 04.06.2013
You are welcome!
--> Abyssal, Monkey, Deadalus, Heart choose what you need the most, I even explained when to get which items depending on farm. I might have not gone into detail about pubs but that is not the general purpose of this guide.
I might add a self - explanatory. Pub - Build to get what I am trying to say without reading the guide as a whole. Not gonna quote anything, now.
I give it a thought. Not sure.