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playedin pub for 1st time with huskar and got 10 kills .......
2nd time 30 kills!!!!!!
ty and will be waiting for updates :-)
Btw, any item build and skill learn, not at all same to build/learn in every single match, based opponent/allies..
Huskar is my Top.1 hero! and maybe if u truly know Huskar, Experienced enough, you may say he's the Stronger carry hero..
So.. Until now, Huskar is always be my top.1 hero.. LoL!
Just want to share how to kill a super tanky heroes. Huskar need HoD, Blade Mail and Shadow Blade
Here is my combo. First you cast your inner vitality > Life Break > Activate Your Blade Mail > Burning Spear > Attack > Attack > Burning Spear > Attack > Attack. If your opponent not die Activate your Shadow Blade then do the combo again. It should be kill any tanky heroes in many of my game.
After that no enemy want to meet Huskar... lol
Well Huskar is the Boss indeed.
There is honestly very little the opposing team can do to stop huskar as he needs very little farm.
Boots+ Urn= 450+325+250=1025 gold if you start with two strength bracelts.
Then you are pretty much set.
Why do you take
I do like your item choices though. There isn't really much you left unmentioned bar maybe
Thanks for the feedback. I just usually get burnIng spears for the extra burn damage , in case your opponent kills you and left on little HP. Your burn damage would burn him.
But yeah thanks for the feedback.
I do like your item choices though. There isn't really much you left unmentioned bar maybe