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1 Votes

Immortal Warlock Support - 7.37d

October 18, 2024 by Mrki55
Comments: 0    |    Views: 20576    |   

Warlock pos 4/5

DotA2 Hero: Warlock

Hero Skills

Eldritch Summoning (Innate)

Fatal Bonds

1 13 14 16

Shadow Word

4 8 9 11


2 3 5 7

Chaotic Offering

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

80% Magic Resistance for Chaotic Offering Golems
+20 Chaotic Offering Golems Armor
+40 Upheaval Damage
Summon a Golem on Death
+150 Shadow Word AoE
+10% Upheaval Attack Speed per second to allies
+50 Upheaval Radius
+4% Fatal Bonds Damage

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