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1 Votes

I'm the King, Peasant!

August 11, 2014 by The Mormegil
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samukobo (28) | August 19, 2014 2:42am
I'm not sure about setting the item sequence in stone - Hand of Midas is definitely situational on any carry hero, getting Boots of Speed first is sometimes necessary, and in decent~coordinated play getting Blink Dagger earlier than armlet is occasionally required (when your team is oriented towards early 5 man push)

Also, you might want to try support Wraith King if/once you have a 5 stack to play in. Not something I would recommend doing in pubs for a lot of reasons, but when you have 4 other people who understand the game well and can play well with you, you would see that it's pretty effective.
The Mormegil | August 18, 2014 8:14pm
eeon wrote:

hi! overall nice guide, a few notes if you will, and I speak out of experience here:

1. Stout Shield is much better than a Quelling Blade in the starting item section, I only get QB if I'm tri-laneing and don't get harassed.

2. Desolator is a really great item, I personally almost always get it. indeed Assault Cuirass is excellent, but WK is really a single target hero so the justification that you decrease the armor to all enemies is not that helpful. With armlet on and deso you get +125 damage, add the -7 armor and crit and the damage output and lifesteal will be insane.

really like the halberd and blink. good job!

Thanks for the constructive critique

I just started using a Stout Shield a little before I wrote the guide and I haven't been putting much time into dota lately so I wanted to test it out a bit beofre I put it on here, but I think you're right. I'll add it and make a note to probably suspend buying either until you see what lane you're up against, thank you.

I just don't personally like the Desolator as much most games, I agree you get a lot more damage, but with WK I find that usually I have to be the intiator, which means that that +14 armor is really doing some work in keeping me alive and I feel is often the better choice. I see a lot of opponents going early deso and it either works really well if they're already at a good lead, or more often it falls flat if the game is even or his team is behind already, which is why I tend to value other items higher on him. But people love that item so I'm sure some people will come here, see your comment and love it :D
eeon (6) | August 18, 2014 3:17am
hi! overall nice guide, a few notes if you will, and I speak out of experience here:

1. Stout Shield is much better than a Quelling Blade in the starting item section, I only get QB if I'm tri-laneing and don't get harassed.

2. Desolator is a really great item, I personally almost always get it. indeed Assault Cuirass is excellent, but WK is really a single target hero so the justification that you decrease the armor to all enemies is not that helpful. With armlet on and deso you get +125 damage, add the -7 armor and crit and the damage output and lifesteal will be insane.

really like the halberd and blink. good job!
Blubbles (13) | August 13, 2014 2:43pm
A good guide but a generic build. You should add in some more builds which maybe take wraith outside of his traditional role.
The Mormegil | August 12, 2014 1:31pm
FleetAU wrote:

I don't really feel that a clarity is a good idea on wraith king, by just conserving your mana you should be fine and as a melee hero your clarity will be canceled while last hitting, which you need to do.

Another quick point is that Monkey king bar does not allow you to reliably hit faceless void, there is no way to do that currently in the game

Apart from that guide seems decent enough


Quite often I skip a clarity as well. But a lot of people looking at guides are those who either don't play a hero often, or have barely played it at all and for those I think that suggesting a single clarity is well worth the 50 gold in case they don't conserve their mana as well as they should. Occasionally you have teammates who put themselves in harms way a lot and you need to use a little more of your stun than usual to save them.
The Mormegil | August 12, 2014 1:29pm
FleetAU wrote:

Another quick point is that Monkey king bar does not allow you to reliably hit faceless void, there is no way to do that currently in the game

Ah, backtrack what a well-rounded ability :p. Thanks for pointing that out, I wasn't sure if it did or not and I didn't want to make the mistake of leaving it out. I'll edit it to just go for mkb if you see he's already making a butterfly.
Zeth_Foherein | August 12, 2014 5:18am
Great Guide, Im happy there isnt a Soul Ring on the guide, I really think its a waste of money and slot.
Im actually making a WK support guide but i cant find they formating guide, could someone give me the link to it?
Valar Morghulis (1) | August 12, 2014 3:30am
Great guide overall! However, +1 to Fleet, 'Voido' is immune to MKB.
FleetAU (16) | August 11, 2014 11:50pm
I don't really feel that a clarity is a good idea on wraith king, by just conserving your mana you should be fine and as a melee hero your clarity will be canceled while last hitting, which you need to do.

Another quick point is that Monkey king bar does not allow you to reliably hit faceless void, there is no way to do that currently in the game

Apart from that guide seems decent enough

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