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Wow why are there SOOOO many juggernaut guides?
If you dont know what carry to pick, juggrnaut is the WRONG one to pick, becouse he is pretty weak in pubs becouse you cant organise a strong push.
You should never get a battlefury, as it wont make you carry harder becouse you are going for scepter anyway.
I also dont like the skillbuild, healing ward is the reason you pick juggernaut, becouse his pushing power is something no other carry provides. And becouse of that healing ward should be maxed second.
I also don't understand why is he so popular in the guide-making part lately, albeit, the wrong ones at it (if this goes on I'll actually make one for him lol). I also cannot recommend
As of the skill build, I recommend maxing the
Anyway, good luck for this guide, I suggest you to check here for formatting and best of luck for any updates.
If you dont know what carry to pick, juggrnaut is the WRONG one to pick, becouse he is pretty weak in pubs becouse you cant organise a strong push.
You should never get a battlefury, as it wont make you carry harder becouse you are going for scepter anyway.
I also dont like the skillbuild, healing ward is the reason you pick juggernaut, becouse his pushing power is something no other carry provides. And becouse of that healing ward should be maxed second.
I also posted 3 times... spot the dotafire noob.
just press delete on 2 of them.
Ah I can't believe I forgot that! I'd meant to mention that, it's quite important. Thanks for pointing it out!
Quite a few glaring issues there ^^ thanks man, I'll correct that stuff. In terms of getting stat levels, it's something that I used to do when I started out with him but somewhere I guess I must've forgotten the basics!
Cheers for the comments guys
Ah I can't believe I forgot that! I'd meant to mention that, it's quite important. Thanks for pointing it out!
Quite a few glaring issues there ^^ thanks man, I'll correct that stuff. In terms of getting stat levels, it's something that I used to do when I started out with him but somewhere I guess I must've forgotten the basics!
Cheers for the comments guys
Ah I can't believe I forgot that! I'd meant to mention that, it's quite important. Thanks for pointing it out!
Quite a few glaring issues there ^^ thanks man, I'll correct that stuff. In terms of getting stat levels, it's something that I used to do when I started out with him but somewhere I guess I must've forgotten the basics!
Cheers for the comments guys
Will just point out some stuff(been playing dota for a number of years)
"Sounds and animations may show Yurnero is auto-attacking, but the attacks will deal no damage. Meanwhile, the attacks can apply buffs and attack effect (e.g. Corruption, Cleave) if having any.
This skill doesn't affect magic-immune units, but siege creeps, towers, barracks, and subsidiary buildings can be hit by normal attacks while using Blade Fury." -Dota Wiki
"Still to add:Build and skills for mid (number two)" Never, ever go jugg mid. Not worth it, no runecontrol, low hp, can't harrass, bad at ganking, other then tping to countergank.
Get stats actually over maxing your crit. 5% more chance of crit is 5% unreliable more dmg(With a dmg of about 50, thats 2,5dmg per lvl of crit). You get 4% dmg AND more mana & hp early before you got any big items with stats instead. WAY WORTH IT! 2 levels of stats is enough, maybe even 1.
Healingward depends on the game. Always get 1 lvl. Max it if your team is pushing or if there are alot of teamfights. As for the manacost, 1lvl heals you for 50% of your hp. A manapot costs 50 gold. Do the calculation. It also heals your team. WAY WORTH IT!
A big tip regarding omnislash which you actually pointed out. To ensure kills and not waste it. If you are unsure of the timing of the creeps, take a look at your own creeps and when they are passing a tower. I've wasted countless ultis not checking such an easy thing and have the enemy creeps appear out of fog of war to tank the blunt of my omnislash. Since the map is almost mirrored it will help you alot.
Other than that a pretty good guide congrats....