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Illidan - Guide to Terrorblade (Or whatever his new name is)

January 3, 2014 by Yasutsuna
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-Col- | January 19, 2014 1:10am
You should add Shadow Demon to the allies section. Early game, his Disruption is good for saving you, or locking an opponent in place so you can cast Reflection on them. Late game, he cast Disruption on you for even more Metamorphosis illusions and stronger tower pushing.
Yasutsuna (51) | January 5, 2014 2:31am
Hinakurinchi wrote:

Nice guide, I see you're back in action Yasutsuna. Sometimes I like giving him Phase Boots as it will help in his early damage since he needs it. A lot.

Also, it will make him easier in chasing. Maelstrom and Mjollnir are good pickups for him since they won't override the orb effects unless they proc. Granted, you need the attack speed.

Lol, just give me a call instead. XD I did talk about Maelstrom, just didn't add it in. Gonna update this.

I won't comment on Phase Boots until I try them out myself.
Hinakurinchi (3) | January 4, 2014 10:54pm
Nice guide, I see you're back in action Yasutsuna. Sometimes I like giving him Phase Boots as it will help in his early damage since he needs it. A lot.

Also, it will make him easier in chasing. Maelstrom and Mjollnir are good pickups for him since they won't override the orb effects unless they proc. Granted, you need the attack speed.
Yasutsuna (51) | January 3, 2014 11:12am
samukobo wrote:

I'm not entirely sure what to think of the item build - while I would like to argue that Yasha isn't exactly what you would want as the first major pickup on a hero that does not run the racecar build, I can't think of a better early item myself.

Would like to hear on your opinion on this - the guide says that it gives chasing power and is a good item on AGI heroes overall, I don't think it gives enough farming/early fighting power that you'll probably need.

Also, no Hand of Midas and Desolator?

Actually, I thought about Yasha before too. Certainly I wouldn't like it as my first major pick up but I can't find anything more suitable. Maybe a Armlet of Mordiggian would be better?

I'm more concerned that getting an early Band of Elvenskin actually helps in the farming power and the Blade of Alacrity helps in the early damage, that's why I decided on Yasha. But in some games, I would still prefer Armlet of Mordiggian instead.

I think Terrorblade have enough power for early ganks for a variable source of gold, so Hand of Midas will not be required. Desolator is good, but you already have a load of attack damage so I would prefer something that gives more than just damage, like Eye of Skadi. Still Desolator is good for a pusher build, I suppose.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | January 3, 2014 8:43am
HoM and Deso are both extremely bad on TB. He is someone with an inbuilt Super Saiyan mode and ridiculous Agi gain. U should focus either on a SnY or Armlet or HoD to alleviate his pitiful survivability. Even drums is a good pickup. Or a casual point booster which can be turned into a skadi when 3-4 slotted.

And to all those guys suggesting the dagon build it is strictly a troll build. It wont work against anyone with the right sense of mind. TB is extremely squishy and a dagon as the 1st core isnt that helpful for survivability.
samukobo (28) | January 3, 2014 7:49am
I'm not entirely sure what to think of the item build - while I would like to argue that Yasha isn't exactly what you would want as the first major pickup on a hero that does not run the racecar build, I can't think of a better early item myself.

Would like to hear on your opinion on this - the guide says that it gives chasing power and is a good item on AGI heroes overall, I don't think it gives enough farming/early fighting power that you'll probably need.

Also, no Hand of Midas and Desolator?
Yasutsuna (51) | January 3, 2014 7:31am
ReAlChemist wrote:

Good guide!

One thing to note is that the DoTAFire tooltip is wrong and Metamorphosis got buffed and now has a shorter CD (140s rather than 150s) and scales in duration (40/44/48/52 rather than 40/40/40/40). The Sunder tooltip is also wrong and the minimum health is now 25/20/15% rather than 33/28/23%. Also, its definitely worth a mention that Sunder pierces both BKB and Linkens (although Linken's blocks the ministun).

Do you think it is worth it to do the Armlet-Dagon combo (get low with armlet->sunder->dagon)? At 16 with a Dagon 1/2/3/4/5 it instagibs anyone with less than 2k/2.5k/3k/3.5k/4k max HP.

Oh, that's good to know. I haven't been playing Terrorblade in DotA vanilla lately so I don't really know. About your combo, I don't think so.

People use Armlet to get the bonus hit points and when you pick Terrorblade people are bound to take stunners. Letting you hit points drop just to launch a combo isn't a very good idea IMO. It may be variable if your enemies have a only one or no stuns. And will most likely work in low or public brackets.

Once you move up to higher brackets, I don't think it will work.

Furthermore, getting a level 5 Dagon will hinder your carry potential too much, so it is not exactly my cup of tea.
ReAlChemist (2) | January 3, 2014 7:23am
Good guide!

One thing to note is that the DoTAFire tooltip is wrong and Metamorphosis got buffed and now has a shorter CD (140s rather than 150s) and scales in duration (40/44/48/52 rather than 40/40/40/40). The Sunder tooltip is also wrong and the minimum health is now 25/20/15% rather than 33/28/23%. Also, its definitely worth a mention that Sunder pierces both BKB and Linkens (although Linken's blocks the ministun).

Do you think it is worth it to do the Armlet-Dagon combo (get low with armlet->sunder->dagon)? At 16 with a Dagon 1/2/3/4/5 it instagibs anyone with less than 2k/2.5k/3k/3.5k/4k max HP.
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