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5 Votes

I'll Protect You - with various early game styles

June 3, 2013 by deathkidkun
Comments: 6    |    Views: 18782    |   

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deathkidkun (2) | April 25, 2013 5:09am
Thanks for informing me about that point.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 24, 2013 4:45pm
I count 4 out of your 6 item slots being used.

And with that math, I do inquire. Gauntlet of Strength > Iron Wood Branch?

The gauntlet is gives you +3 to Strngth and is used in 2 of your situational items, and one core item that is only core if no one else on your team is buidling it.

If you get 3 Iron Wood Branch, 9 more gold you have that money) you would get +3 to all stats, which just really means 39 more mana... I have played Tree a few times... that mana could help. Also you find Magic wand core and you are getting a magic stick early. Might as well make the item progression run more smothly.

That is all. i am no tree expert. I just feel that item change is seemingly better simply because it gives you more for your money.
deathkidkun (2) | April 23, 2013 10:31pm
I would try the midlane Treant sometimes, but what I meant (maybe it's not clear) is not that Treant cannot really midlane, but other heroes are better at it and can benefit more than you from it for the team. Well, maybe I forgot to say that you could if the list of heroes like Batrider or Invoker isn't on the list, but I would try it sometimes.

Anyways, edited the guide with some other pointers like synergy.
rocky (4) | April 23, 2013 10:05pm
For the record, Treant can play a very solid midlane.

Stout/quellingblade/tango and max living armor means complete creep control dominance (112 avg damage against creeps with excellent constant heal. leach speed + auto attack does large amounts of damage and is great with an orb of venom

Fast mana boots + blink and perhaps stuff like drum/mom if you are going a dps treant can be very strong. early maxed leech seed + natures guise makes treant a solid sidelane ganker.

Can I recommend you try this style treant and see what you think? I personally think it's quite strong

good guide +1
deathkidkun (2) | December 15, 2012 9:36am
Thanks for the feedback.

I've updated the guide by putting some important points in Nature's Guise and Overgrowth.
Hades4u (296) | December 13, 2012 10:34am
Very in-depth, nicely written.

Also, it's not really a "massive wall of text", there's some pictures and colors here and there, it looks just fine.

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