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6 Votes

IF lvl < 6 action=farm ELSE action=gank

September 19, 2012 by Von Beard Baron
Comments: 8    |    Views: 15340    |   

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shadowplay (1) | September 22, 2012 2:02am
Definitely a neat idea, didnt really think of necro on bs, good guide, +1
DibsMid (6) | September 21, 2012 5:32pm
^this guy again.

while (DotaGuy comments) {
say (^this guy);
Lol again;
DotaGuy | September 21, 2012 1:06am
I don't get the title
Von Beard Baron | September 20, 2012 6:50am
Hades4u wrote:

Add some color and some bold text maybe? Makes the guide easier to read.

The guide seems ok, why you don't get Force Staff straight after Power Treads ? Makes your game way easier.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll edit the guide to make it a bit easier to read.

I agree that force staff is good on BS and that is indeed how many players build him, however I feel that getting a kill with rupture is not an area than BS needs force staff for. Now i'm not saying don't get it, it's just not core in this build.
Hades4u (296) | September 20, 2012 5:29am
Add some color and some bold text maybe? Makes the guide easier to read.

The guide seems ok, why you don't get Force Staff straight after Power Treads ? Makes your game way easier.
Von Beard Baron | September 19, 2012 11:02pm
DibsMid wrote:

  • Bloodrage can be a great source of damage late game, as it increases damage by 80%. Stats are nice early game when you don't need the bloodrage but IMO they shouldn't be the last ones to be leveled up. BKB + Bloodrage = pretty nice damage output
  • Blink.....dunno bout that one, you're gonna have to explain it to me
  • There isn't radiance here, that's a clutch item for BS. Good for turtling, good for pushing, basically when the enemy has a team fight advantage over you.
  • Vyse and Shiva's I would save for an intelligence support hero on your team.

  • I never thought of Necro on BS, I think I'm gonna try that out next game. Great idea though, I think it will work out very well.
  • Always go AC for attack speed, never Mjollnir. Another thing I'm definitely going to try out. Mjollnir + Radiance sounds like a good time.

You gave me some new things to try. Good enough for me. +1

Thanks for the feedback! I'll add a section about blink, it does have a use albeit a very niche one.

I agree with your thoughts about Bloodrage. If you are getting some more attack speed or dmg I would definitely level it up a bit earlier. I usually don't and left that information out. I'll add it to the skills section.

As for the int items, I kinda just through them in as possibilities given you might have the income to get it when a support would not. Everything is dependant on the game you're in. If someone else can get it, it would be preferred.
DibsMid (6) | September 19, 2012 10:55pm
  • Bloodrage can be a great source of damage late game, as it increases damage by 80%. Stats are nice early game when you don't need the bloodrage but IMO they shouldn't be the last ones to be leveled up. BKB + Bloodrage = pretty nice damage output
  • Blink.....dunno bout that one, you're gonna have to explain it to me
  • There isn't radiance here, that's a clutch item for BS. Good for turtling, good for pushing, basically when the enemy has a team fight advantage over you.
  • Vyse and Shiva's I would save for an intelligence support hero on your team.

  • I never thought of Necro on BS, I think I'm gonna try that out next game. Great idea though, I think it will work out very well.
  • Always go AC for attack speed, never Mjollnir. Another thing I'm definitely going to try out. Mjollnir + Radiance sounds like a good time.

You gave me some new things to try. Good enough for me. +1
Von Beard Baron | September 19, 2012 10:39pm
Added note about Radiance.
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