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56 Votes

Icetags Guide To Timbersaw

January 4, 2013 by yubiyoy
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Alfred J Kack | August 23, 2014 1:06pm
Good build, epic hero. I don't like vanguard on him. I usually find bloodstone rush the most effective way. Vanguard would be core if you could dissaemble it imo. But that way ... meh.

Btw I don't know wether it's my fault but the images are broken. They are on the link Newest firefox, dunno.

Concluded, nice guide on one of my favoritesd.
STRIXnyctea (1) | June 20, 2013 12:59pm
I like the guide over all:) BUT I feel like getting one whirling death lvl before lvl 2 of chain is worth it... just an extra nuke (pure dmg possible) to up your cs and offensive early game. It is the same mana cost of a lvl 2 chain.

I love that you put atos in core (such a win item on a any int hero imo), although shivas is usually my first choice after bloodstone. TS is the perfect person to build tank on and that extra armor ups your effective hp dramatically.
FancyFish (1) | June 5, 2013 12:05am

Decent guide, but here are a few things I've noticed while playing T-Saw.
And by the way, to the above poster: Obviously everything in Dota is dynamic and everything changes... but this is a guide, its tough to really show that. Would you rather have the guide just leave the skills section blank and say "well, its really dynamic so anything could go here"? Thats not the point of the guide. Icetag is simply giving a guide to how Icetag would reccomend playing.

1.) A-Boots, BloodStone, and Eul's are generally enough for T-Saw's mana problems and should consist of his core in that order. Bloodstone is the most critical component. Bloodstone on T-saw changes the game. Euls is nice because the movement speed is awesome in helping position T-saw for using Timber Chain to do damage. Timber chain should not really be relied upon for damage, but with the move speed you can really use it to your advantage when ganking.

2.) Maxing out Whirling Death first is the best in most scenarios. T-Saw can mow down almost any hero in early game with maxing out WD and also it helps T-Saw farm like a machine. "Saving Mana" early game is tricky... You should save mana, but at the same time if you farm properly you can play T-Saw smartly by always using his mana. If you can farm a Bloodstone by using your mana constantly and racking up gold then you can really dominate Mid-Game. While also getting kills early game.

3.) I find Heavens Halberd to be really effective on T-Saw. Tankyness + Slow and Evasion will put you over the top on being GodLike.

4.) There should be mention about how one thing that T-Saw really does well against where most heroes struggle is Invisibility. T-Saw is probably the best hero in the game at getting Cheesy Ganks Early + Mid game vs Bounty, Riki, and other soft stealthies. It goes like this: 1.)Bounty Hunter, gets caught off guard. 2.) Gets rocked a few times by lane buddy and T-Saw. 3.) Starts to get low on health and goes invis. (now he's already dead) 4.) Toss the Chak where he goes invis, run up to the chak, and crush a whirling death, then chain out in the direction the BH thinks is safe. = Dead BH = Mad BH

To discuss your talking points
1) I can usually get by without Eul's if I get the charges.
2)Agreed and to the creator of this guide, he's say that even if you can land timberchain, maxing out Whirling Death is better, it gets 10 more damage per level, totaling 40 extra damage.
4)You should see what I can do to a Sand King. >:) But, it's usually fruitless and a waste of mana, at least for me.
Now, I do have to agree with prodotaplayer a bit, no sheepstick? It's an awesome item on him! Tons of mana and health too, along with a kickass disable and extra mana regen! I also think that there aren't enough items for you to choose from, at least reintroduce Vanguard. Also, don't put whirling death at level 7. If you go [Timberchain]] for 3 points, Finish timberchain, just make a different build, where you don't put as many point into timberchain early, max Whirling Death by 8.
Johnny_Bravo | March 11, 2013 4:01pm
Just wanted to add that i find the necronomicon to be a vialble option for timbersaw late-game. I find that the extra strength and mana go great with timber, and the summons do nicely for when you have your chakram out and cannot attack! Very nice guide btw!
lukson987 (5) | February 11, 2013 1:03pm
A friendly tip:
Enter "dota_range_display 800/1000/1200/1400"depending on level of timber chain) how'd see where youcan shoot your chain
PrinceSitri | January 16, 2013 12:37am
Had a game with him last night that was eventually turned around to our favor against Anti-mage, Venomancer, PA, Clockwerk and Venomancer. Although Anti-mage is one of Timbersaw's counter must admit the pure damage of Chakram is painful for Magina because his spell shield doesn't affect it. And also everytime Clockwerk traps me an ally or me and my allies I instantly pop Chakram inside and he will always be forced to give a path out. Lol
Nullfield | January 9, 2013 9:05pm
i would just like to ask if a linkens would work on timber instead of a bloodstone or am i forsaking to much health and mana regen
xCO2 (72) | January 9, 2013 4:40am
You should re-add Vanguard to the build and just throw it under situational. As much as I dislike Vanguard, some heroes make quite the case for it, Timbersaw being one of them, having an on-hit reactive skill justifies the purchase.
yubiyoy (3) | January 9, 2013 4:24am
If you read the guide it actually tells you to max out WH in case you're not that great with timber chain.
beastmodebeast | January 8, 2013 8:12am
Decent guide, but here are a few things I've noticed while playing T-Saw.
And by the way, to the above poster: Obviously everything in Dota is dynamic and everything changes... but this is a guide, its tough to really show that. Would you rather have the guide just leave the skills section blank and say "well, its really dynamic so anything could go here"? Thats not the point of the guide. Icetag is simply giving a guide to how Icetag would reccomend playing.

1.) A-Boots, BloodStone, and Eul's are generally enough for T-Saw's mana problems and should consist of his core in that order. Bloodstone is the most critical component. Bloodstone on T-saw changes the game. Euls is nice because the movement speed is awesome in helping position T-saw for using Timber Chain to do damage. Timber chain should not really be relied upon for damage, but with the move speed you can really use it to your advantage when ganking.

2.) Maxing out Whirling Death first is the best in most scenarios. T-Saw can mow down almost any hero in early game with maxing out WD and also it helps T-Saw farm like a machine. "Saving Mana" early game is tricky... You should save mana, but at the same time if you farm properly you can play T-Saw smartly by always using his mana. If you can farm a Bloodstone by using your mana constantly and racking up gold then you can really dominate Mid-Game. While also getting kills early game.

3.) I find Heavens Halberd to be really effective on T-Saw. Tankyness + Slow and Evasion will put you over the top on being GodLike.

4.) There should be mention about how one thing that T-Saw really does well against where most heroes struggle is Invisibility. T-Saw is probably the best hero in the game at getting Cheesy Ganks Early + Mid game vs Bounty, Riki, and other soft stealthies. It goes like this: 1.)Bounty Hunter, gets caught off guard. 2.) Gets rocked a few times by lane buddy and T-Saw. 3.) Starts to get low on health and goes invis. (now he's already dead) 4.) Toss the Chak where he goes invis, run up to the chak, and crush a whirling death, then chain out in the direction the BH thinks is safe. = Dead BH = Mad BH
prodotaplayer | January 4, 2013 3:53am
No offense, but this is a pretty bad guide.

1. This skill setup is rigid. Skill setup is dynamic and changes depending on who you are laning with and team you're facing.

2. Rod of Atos? Seriously? You need mana regen for your ult and atos + arcane boots isn't going to cut it. A way better core item is bloodstone each and every time. That way, you can spam timber chain, whirling, and your ult.

3. Sheep stick gets no mention? Again, bad item build seeing as how item builds usually change depending on who's on your team and who you're up against. If my team has another tank (like cent) and their team is heavy on agils or tanks, sheep stick. Otherwise, bloodstone.

4. If you're facing a team full of nukers - hood. Vanguard will be useless.

I do like the allies/enemies section, but definitely needs more work.
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