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22 Votes

Icetag's Guide To Techies

December 25, 2012 by yubiyoy
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DungeonMasterX | December 1, 2015 1:58pm
First off for starting items you dont need that many clarities you should be getting 2-3 so you can get a soul ring recipe cause that will allow you to get the rest at the side shop.

Second off suicide squad is much more important that your build seems to make it out to be because it deals massive damage which is useful in a team fight and because it also denies the enemy of your gold and xp and reduces your respawn time.

Lastly, Summoners are not a bad thing because every time one of those untis walks over a mine cache the techies gets money.

Techies should be picked when your late game carry is better because techies creates space and can make the match go on as long as he wants to allow his team's carry can get farmed up.
Izzet Cthulu (1) | May 5, 2014 4:39pm
Another fantastic guide! When I read this guide, I knew immediately that I am going to love the techies (when they come out)! Thanks for the guide, visuals, build, tips, and getting me into a character that I seriously cannot wait for! Thank you! And Value, hurry up and add these guys, will ya? +1
RobotOverlord | April 20, 2014 5:27pm
I am thinking this hero would be great to make the enemy wast their money to stop themselves from getting blown to bits because after the first few times they hear the mine go off they are going to be playing way more carefully and spending what little amounts of money they have on dust and wards. wards would be a better option of course. i think you should also make the necronomicon a core item as the warrior with true sight can wipe wards out
Tree_Stump | April 2, 2014 5:24pm
In dota 1 I would ALWAYS tp to my lane and immediately place 4-5 mines right off the bat to ensure a first blood. I typically would place them all bunched up right out of range of the creeps near the side shop so the enemy heroes would walk into it if the creep agro is no disturbed.

I was thinking, because blocking is so popular would it also be smart to place your 4-5 mines right where the creep wave would be assuming the hero is going to block as much as possible?
LeGentleman (2) | February 21, 2014 4:40am
I'm STILL waiting for my favorite hero to be ported over :/
I Miss the days where an enemy would come rushing at you ready for a kill, then just blow up.
I Would suggest metionioning some spots in the jungle to prevent ganking, E.G. the radiant jungle choke point located right between the river and trees.
Xr Kyuz | February 14, 2014 7:29am
Targnil (1) | September 23, 2013 7:51pm
You should add that Spectre can counter Techies, because it doesn't matter how many mines he placed, she can teleport right next to him.
Targnil (1) | September 17, 2013 9:49pm
Really excited for Techies, he sounds like a lot of fun, easy to counter though too. But if picked at the right time, he can be epic.
The Cheesemaster (1) | July 11, 2013 3:48pm
Neleos wrote:

Is shadow blade a viable item on techies?

It should be. If you're using it, use it AFTER you place your mines ONLY if you seem to be in danger. Or, use it to sneak past rune spots that are probably warded. Can't have your Shadow Blade cancelled whenever you place a mine.
jinjajak | July 4, 2013 3:28pm
Cnt w8!
jaslam (21) | June 10, 2013 8:36am
*also - instead of branches, you can buy the soul ring recipe - you may not need to return to base then, especially if you get FB.. (6 clarities instead)
jaslam (21) | June 10, 2013 8:35am
needs more blink dagger! (but also buy force)
epic combo - especially with aghanims -
statis stun -
then blink in statis, and all skill again..
also if you use your ulti, and someone doesn't die - you can blink/force (both if needed) and set your ulti and auto detonate - very versatile build.

all else is +1 can't really fault him.. in D1 techies gets xp for kills even when dead - that includes from mines, not just suicide squad..
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