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3 Votes


July 17, 2012 by AngryTurtle
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SionLeal | June 28, 2012 7:49pm
My Lycan with skadi build winning rate is almost 80%.

The main reason to get skadi is not about the slow effect, but the state and HP. Overally, skadi giving a great boost in term of HP/DMG/AtckSpd in balance. Everytime I get a skadi, I'm able to tank and leave my other teammate to be safe, of course I surely can pawn my opponent with skadi too.

For some reason of tanking & str dmg, u maybe will ask, why dun go for satanic/bkb/heart for 1st. But I would say, skadi is perfectly balance among those. For mid game, u need lot of MP consume to summon wolf/howling/ulti, to get ultimate orb, it solve all the MP consumption problem, also it will eventually giving u dmg/hp/atck spd. For late game, u be able to tank attacker hit or even mage skill. (BKB will immue for u, but this will let ur opponent to having chances to skill ur weaker teammate)

Skadi is expensive item, but compared to satanic/heart, it take shorter time to purchase for sub item. 2100 per Orb, final item 1750 for venom orb and point booster. Did u noe, 10 stat from ultimate orb, I be able to kill/tank/mp compared to collect a 3400 for reaver, maybe i will get pawned by others in the middle way of collecting money, also remember that u are 10 stat lesser compared if u reach 2100 for an orb.

Finally, I would suggest Lycan player to try Skadi build. Here is my item build during game.
Starter - 6 Tango, 4 mana replenisher, courier (save courier money for next item if others purchased)
1st - Power tread, Vladimir(Mask of death, Ring of basillus to be priority), Crystal
2nd - Skadi (Ulti orb to be priority)
3rd - What ever ultimate item u like, depend on situation and opponent.
kirbyruled (16) | June 22, 2012 5:23pm
AngryTurtle wrote:

I fixed the guide by giving you your own build.

Late to see this but I would +1 again if I could
AngryTurtle (7) | June 22, 2012 12:59pm
I fixed the guide by giving you your own build.
kirbyruled (16) | June 22, 2012 12:02pm
AngryTurtle wrote:

I wont condone buying an eye of skadi on lycan.

let me clarify, the only time you'd ever *want* to buy an eye of skadi would be super late game once you've already got all the boss hoss lycan items. However, if you're in the super late game you are going to be filling the role of hardcarry and liquidating peoples assets and not only is eye of skadi kind of a huge waste on lycan but it also is more of a "slow people down so I can kill them" item and less of a "box down this other carry" item. if you're late enough in the game to seriously be contemplating a 5k+ item that isn't already mentioned you should probably just get the satanic.

I consider an orchid a more likely item to be purchased than an eye and also didn't include it. I'll file those under the "if you have enough experience to seriously be contemplating arguing with me over this point you probably don't need this guide in the first place" category.

I actually pretty much want to retract my suggestion of Eye of Skadi, having given it some more thought. If Lycanthrope was a ranged hero (rofl ranged Lycanthrope) I think it'd be more practical, it's really outclassed by Satanic and you do have Abyssal Blade for hitting things as well. Scythe of Vyse probably outshines Eye of Skadi or Orchid Malevolence on this hero anyways, as you can combine it with Abyssal Blade to beat Faceless Voids who have 60+ min farm. Orchid Malevolence's main problem is that it's countered by Manta Style and Black King Bar so I can't see it working out against much.
AngryTurtle (7) | June 22, 2012 11:28am
I wont condone buying an eye of skadi on lycan.

let me clarify, the only time you'd ever *want* to buy an eye of skadi would be super late game once you've already got all the boss hoss lycan items. However, if you're in the super late game you are going to be filling the role of hardcarry and liquidating peoples assets and not only is eye of skadi kind of a huge waste on lycan but it also is more of a "slow people down so I can kill them" item and less of a "box down this other carry" item. if you're late enough in the game to seriously be contemplating a 5k+ item that isn't already mentioned you should probably just get the satanic.

I consider an orchid a more likely item to be purchased than an eye and also didn't include it. I'll file those under the "if you have enough experience to seriously be contemplating arguing with me over this point you probably don't need this guide in the first place" category.
kirbyruled (16) | June 22, 2012 11:16am
AngryTurtle wrote:

Fixed for your viewing please, mi lord

I'm so important.

edit: No Eye of Skadi peasant?
AngryTurtle (7) | June 22, 2012 11:12am
Fixed for your viewing please, mi lord
kirbyruled (16) | June 22, 2012 11:06am
+Rep/+1 for simple but good Lycanthrope guide.

Don't forget you can also abuse your Woofies to farm lanes while you safely peck away at the jungle. Satanic or even Eye of Skadi are also options if the goes super-late and you haven't picked up a Desolator yet. Assault Cuirass is just about the only other thing you didn't mention that's really smart on this hero.
AngryTurtle (7) | June 22, 2012 10:59am
LiLPr0 (9) | June 22, 2012 8:19am
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