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4 Votes

I Got Dirt Between My Toes!

May 17, 2013 by kaihg
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thippo (10) | May 18, 2013 7:09pm
And then you realize how unpredictable a random-number-generator-based skill can be. Free Faceless Void.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 18, 2013 9:26am

Wrong, he might be able to Backtrack most of your Poofs and still survive. :D

About the item build, I would definitely consider the Blink Dagger as a core item: if you can get it by ~20-25 minutes (straight after your Aghanim's Scepter and, optionally, your Power Treads) you're going to stomp a lot harder than without it; Blink-Poof is definitely overpowered for solo killing, even better than a Io combo.

Backtrack chance- 25%
No. of Poofs- 4(or 5 with ags)
Backtracks- 1 maybe 2 at the most
5 meepos, 1 void, no aoe clearance - Dead void

Treads are a waste of money, tranquils are needed for regen. Let the supports buy vlads
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 18, 2013 7:29am

Void isnt a problem at all, if he ulties a meepo just poof all the others for an instakill.

Wrong, he might be able to Backtrack most of your Poofs and still survive. :D

About the item build, I would definitely consider the Blink Dagger as a core item: if you can get it by ~20-25 minutes (straight after your Aghanim's Scepter and, optionally, your Power Treads) you're going to stomp a lot harder than without it; Blink-Poof is definitely overpowered for solo killing, even better than a Io combo.
thippo (10) | May 17, 2013 7:57pm
If you're going to get Aghanim's Scepter early (as is good in *most* games) then you should probably get Reaver before Vladmir's Offering or get Vladmir's Offering before Aghanim's Scepter, because you would gain more from rushing the strength once you've got your ulti upgraded.
kaihg | May 17, 2013 5:43pm

Pms , treads , basi(and vlads) are redundant.
Just start with components of your tranquil and rush up the aghanim's.
Heart should round off your core.
Add ethereal blade to luxuries.
Technically there is no luxury for meepo as he can have a 6-slot inventory by as late as the 25 min mark and you shouldnt have money problems with him after you pick up a sceptor.
Get your supports to stack(or do it yourself) camps to their limits as you can clear them in a second.
Tell a support to get veil.

As for your Ideology for earthshaker, every good Meepo knows that divided we stand ,i.e. never group up your Meepo's together after you get 3 of them.
You should always keep them separated to split push and farm multiple lanes and so that your clones have an escape.
Whenever i see someone pick an es against my meepo i laugh my *** off as i know how bad the game is gonna be for him. As soon as you encounter one get close trap him and poof all the other meepos to yourself, the es will die before he can cast anything.
Void isnt a problem at all, if he ulties a meepo just poof all the others for an instakill.

I really appreciate your comments but I'm not going to change my entire guide, this build works well for me and will works for other new Meepo players. This is more of a basic guide for Meepo and will service those who can't split push well.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 17, 2013 5:39pm
Pms , treads , basi(and vlads) are redundant.
Just start with components of your tranquil and rush up the aghanim's.
Heart should round off your core.
Add ethereal blade to luxuries.
Technically there is no luxury for meepo as he can have a 6-slot inventory by as late as the 25 min mark and you shouldnt have money problems with him after you pick up a sceptor.
Get your supports to stack(or do it yourself) camps to their limits as you can clear them in a second.
Tell a support to get veil.

As for your Ideology for earthshaker, every good Meepo knows that divided we stand ,i.e. never group up your Meepo's together after you get 3 of them.
You should always keep them separated to split push and farm multiple lanes and so that your clones have an escape.
Whenever i see someone pick an es against my meepo i laugh my *** off as i know how bad the game is gonna be for him. As soon as you encounter one get close trap him and poof all the other meepos to yourself, the es will die before he can cast anything.
Void isnt a problem at all, if he ulties a meepo just poof all the others for an instakill.
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