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I come from the darkness of the pit!

December 28, 2013 by F.E.A.R.0
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Unscathed (47) | October 19, 2014 1:38am
A Question here: None of his spells gave attack buffs, so why did you build Right click items on him?
ReAlChemist (2) | December 31, 2013 11:28am
Gahruga, I would say mana burn is quite a pain but after his initial casts of his ~14 second cooldown spells his main teamfight contribution is his aura and Dark Rift. Dark Rift can cost a lot (225 at lvl 3) so if you are against serious mana burn get Soul Ring and Arcane Boots and you should be fine.

Silences are much more problematic since you only have a short window to pull out of a fight if it starts going badly. Most silences last 6 seconds so if Pit Lord gets hit by one its at least 10.6 seconds until Dark Rift will go off. Its not usually worth getting BKB on Pit Lord so if you need to deal with silences get a Eul's (quite useful on him in any case) and use the active on yourself to purge the silence.

One other thing to note is that Phantom Lancer is annoying to deal with but its unwise to pick PL (or any illusion hero) into the other PL since they get stats to improve their illusion damage but Atrophy Aura will be particularly effective against them since it reduces base damage by up to 42%.

EDIT: The other hard counter to Pit Lord is displacement, since if he is away from some or all of his teammates when Dark Rift finishes it leaves his team at a serious disadvantage. Meat Hook is the best example of this, although a double Force Staff is also effective. Using a Eul's on yourself 2-2.5 seconds before Dark Rift finishes is usually good enough (if you are cycloned you still teleport, but you can't be targetted) except against Meat Hook.
Gahruga | December 30, 2013 11:52pm
And for the add, his Enemies.

His enemies are not the one who can stun, or disable (hell, they are enemy for everybody, aren't they?). His core enemies are the one who can burn off his mana right away, because he is useless without his mana. So, regarding to this reason, his main enemies are NYX, Phantom Lancer with Diffusal, Anti Mage, Silencer, and the likes.
Gahruga | December 30, 2013 11:49pm
ReAlChemist wrote:

I hate to say this, but this is a terrible guide. I mean no insult, but you could be playing this hero much better.

Pit Lord is can be classified as a teamfight support, an anti-gank mid, or a push/counterpush/split-push hero but not a carry.

I agree with this guy. Daedalus? Monkey King Bar? Wut? His attack speed is slow as ****, and why on earth you would buy him items which depend on attack speed? He is not a carry at all. Instead, he is hell of a great pusher. His ultimate is not better than Nature Prophet, indeed, but he can swap off a creep wave in a matter of second.
ReAlChemist (2) | December 30, 2013 1:52pm
Building tank items on Pit Lord is great since he has a huge teamfight contribution (AOE nuke, AOE BKB-piercing disable, AOE -damage, mass teleport if things go to hell) and the longer he stays alive the more trouble the enemy is in, particularly if he is able to get a second cast of Pit and Firestorm off. But building DPS on him is useless since the only feature of him that lends itself to DPS is a moderate, unreliable amount of damage from Atrophy Aura while he has bad growth for base damage, AS, and armor.

I agree the hero needs something of a buff to his cast point, Firestorm, and/or Pit since the best place to lane him is mid where he can absolutely dominate in terms of last hits/denies since he can easily have an 70 or so damage advantage in lane between his huge starting damage (2nd highest in game), Atrophy Aura (-damage to opponent and +20 damage to him since each wave has 4 creeps and spawns every 30 seconds), and a Quelling Blade pickup. But while he is a great counterganker (Pit to disable and Rift if you need to extract your carry) he isn't that strong of a solo ganker since he takes at least 1.2 seconds to cast his spells even with perfect animation cancel and he doesn't have reliable nuke (although his max burst damage is 560 AOE, which is fairly strong). He also doesn't make good use of farm because he can't carry (no real carry skills and meh stat gain) so playing as a farming mid isn't effective. However, farming support/teamfight/pushing items and forcing early fights/pushes where he can make the most of his AOE disable and -damage and mass teleport.

Probably all he really needs is to add a slow to Firestorm to make him a slightly better disabler/chaser and have the damage be a bit more reliable. The reason slows are good on him are that he needs to keep people in the Firestorm AOE as long as possible and he has great DPS for a chase (where his good damage is much more important than his **** AS). If he can reliably get a few right-clicks off in a addition to his nukes he'll be a fairly dangerous ganker.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | December 30, 2013 3:40am
ReAlChemist wrote:

Yes but I all my years of playing I have never seen anyway playing Pit Lord as support. I'ts your way of playing like that. And when players made carry items and tank items to and if Centaur was on his side or even Tiny or you can say both. Those 3 very hard to take down. And Pit of Malice casting first yes I've seen that to. They first cast Pit of Malice so that when they cast Firestorm they can't escape from it. Pit of Malice really needs a buff, the stun and damage are really ****, cause in 6.72 Pit of Malice stun was decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5 and it only deals 100 damage. They should increase the damage from 100/100/100/100/ to 100/180/220/280 example. And the thing he can be killed easy from start, yes that was wrong cause I already said my self I'me still making updates. And the slow items I've never seen anyone do them on Pit Lord (no offense). Yes he is the second of highest STR, I want'ed to say something else, but I see it's not understandable and I will change it.
ReAlChemist (2) | December 29, 2013 7:10pm
I hate to say this, but this is a terrible guide. I mean no insult, but you could be playing this hero much better.

Pit Lord is can be classified as a teamfight support, an anti-gank mid, or a push/counterpush/split-push hero but not a carry. He has absolute garbage AGI growth (1.4) and mediocre STR growth (2.6). You say he can get +200 damage from Atrophy Aura but that requires on the order of 5 hero deaths and 10 creep deaths in 45 seconds. Thats great if your team is going to win a teamfight then push a tower but doesn't actually do anything for you during a fight since if a couple enemy heroes are already dead the fight is over anyway. He has a good anti-kite skill (Pit of Malice) but he has a terrible cast point (0.6). You also mess up the basic combo: you cast Firestorm first with the AOE catching them at the near edge and their path of retreat inside the AOE then you cast Pit of Malice covering the far side of the AOE to give you the most damage. If you cast Pit of Malice first you waste a lot of the disable time (1/1.5/2/2.5) on the cast animation of Firestorm (again, 0.6 second cast point) which is particularly egregious since you max Pit of Malice last). Also, Firestorm energizes with slows but you specifically reject or ignore almost every slowing item in the game (Skadi, Diffusal, S&Y, OoV, Atos) and only include Shiva's as a late-game item.

PS. He is tied for second highest starting HP in the game (only behind SB, tied with LC and Doom) and also has pretty good starting armor (3.7) and a hard disable so he is the very opposite of "easy to kill from start." Also while his base INT is mediocre for a STR hero his INT growth is second, not fourth, best among them since his growth of 2.6 is only behind BB's (2.8) among STR heroes.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | December 29, 2013 8:47am

Any idea when he's being released? I remember from original him being a monster +1 good guide easy to read and informative

No idea on "when" exactly , but he is the next one in line to be released followed by terrorblade. I just hope they give me a new years present by releasing them both.
But realistically he will be out by mid jan and terror close to feb.

As for the guide you primarily focus on him being a dps machine though your secondary focus tanky dps guy is how he should preferably be played. Get arcane boots , maybe a MoC , and any tanky support items such as bloodstone,vhex, euls,etc.
Harassosauras (1) | December 29, 2013 8:40am
Any idea when he's being released? I remember from original him being a monster +1 good guide easy to read and informative. I'm more excited for tb though :)
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