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Husker the Mid King

March 24, 2013 by Amon
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fredchen777 | April 5, 2013 12:18am
@Sexyperson99: You can make heroes, weapons and skills like that if you do 2 of [] around them.

0: Huskar

1: [Huskar]

2: Huskar
Sexyperson99 | March 29, 2013 1:11pm
I've played many, many, many Huskar games in my days and rarely ever lose. There are some things in this build that will be bad for you and will cause you to die more than you need to. These are them:

1. Stats are an important feature to have on a hard carry, the issue with this build is that they're too early and won't really benefit you enough.

2. If you're going to be playing mid with Huskar against ANYONE you absolutely need burning spears. It is one of the best harassment tools in this game and without it, it's going to be much harder than it needs to be to kill your enemy. If you can harass with the burning spears and get them down 1/3, 1/2 or even 1/4 you will be able to ult and kill them easily.

3. Inner Vitality is one of the best moves you can have early game. You need it at level 4 so you can start to heal after taking so much damage. Not only does it heal you, it progressively reduces the amount of damage you take in. You should always use inner vitality before you use your ult because you'll have a higher risk of surviving. It isn't the most important skill to have, but you need it to go around the map and gank better.

4. I would go the following moveset while leveling: w, e, w, q, e, r. If you are able to balance it out and get them all at level 2 then progress for them to get all level 3 and going forward you'll do better. For stats: I would say that you can start to get them at level 15 (when all your skills besides your level 3 ult is leveled). I do agree with the item choices though. If you're going to get anything with him I would suggest a daedelus near the end to get more critical hits. It helps to kill everyone much faster.

I also apologize because I am new to the website and do not know how to add images of the heroes or weapons.
fredchen777 | March 28, 2013 5:29am
1. You should ask a friend to spell-check this. It's not unreadable, but annoying.
2. Its not Husker, its Huskar, Husker is the pilot-name of Admiral Adama in Battlestar Galactica.
3. Without Burning Spear the enemies can just ignore you in teamfights. You will deal damage when jumping in and that's it.
4. Add some friends and foes, since Huskar is dead when he gets perma-stunned.
Atlas (117) | March 25, 2013 8:41am
You make it sound as though it's as simple as jumping on them and killing them. If the enemy mid is even remotely decent you wont kill them, or even get close to it.
Kaeroku | March 25, 2013 8:07am
Ruch = rush. But I'd never have guessed you weren't a native English speaker if you didn't mention it.
Amon | March 25, 2013 1:59am
^ You are correct but I find it really easy to get to lvl 12 without it. I will try to play more by trying to get it earlier and report back.
Sando (118) | March 25, 2013 1:44am
You need to get Inner Vitality sooner, it's an important skill for keeping you alive when fighting/ganking, and works very well with Life Break
Amon | March 24, 2013 11:24pm
I will add more to it once I get more time. Next update will be on skills & Mid match ups. second update should be based on good feedbacks.
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