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Huskar, the Sacred Warrior

March 30, 2015 by RudeNess
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ChiChi (47) | April 1, 2015 11:36am
I would give you only a suggestion, since I don't play with Huskar and I'm unaware of the outdated build thing: consider Omniknight in your friends chapter. They sinerzige well together, because Huskar compensates for the fact that Omni is melee and can get really aggressive with his protection (cure with AoE pure damage + free mini BKB get very OP if you can coordinate right and your enemies can't disable you properly). It gets even better, since you can combo until the late game, making sure you protect Huskar when he needs you.
apaz (17) | March 31, 2015 10:06pm
The thing is, even magic damage Huskar doesn't build Dagon. Magical Huskar gets Veil of Discord, followed by Aghanim's Scepter, followed by a Blink Dagger, a Black King Bar, an Ethereal Blade, or an Armlet.

With Veil of Discord and Aghanim's Scepter, a Life Break will do 81.25% of their current health, because of the way Life Break works. It will also amplify the magic damage from your Burning Spears.

The tooltip displays Life Break's damage after normal(25%) spell resistance. If you reduce THEIR spell resistance, it actually does MORE damage, and if you increase YOUR magic resistance Berserker's Blood, it deals LESS to you. After you do the math(which is really 65*1.25 because of the fact that base magic resist is already accounted for), you come up with 81.25% of their current HP. That remains viable even far into the late game, even though you are using a lolzy magic damage build. Plus, what will their supports do, stack more max hp so that you do more damage to them? The only way to reduce it is with Magic Resistance from Hood of Defiance, and with magical damage block, as in Pipe of Insight. Neither of these will save them from your physical damage. It makes you very hard to play against. Unless they pick Visage, in which case you are screwed.

Plus, you can do this combo to people every 4 seconds. At an 1750 range, if you have a blink.

This is actually, believe it or not, one of the more accepted builds. The other is just to get more DPS-based Items, like Armlet, AC, Daedalus, and Skadi + Satanic
RudeNess (1) | March 31, 2015 2:11am
first iil be happy if you wiil tell me what is good :D
second thing i think that help of the dominator is a sure thing to buy for Huskar
Massive heal and can keep alive in Teamfight even more time...
about the dagon its a troll item that i love to pick for fun or just when im gonna end the match...
its also preety good thank's to Life Break so he can cast a dagon after the Life Break and kill the enemy fast...
its not good cause he will keep you with full Hp and its not so good!
YellulzQuiet (8) | March 31, 2015 12:20am
can only say one thing: outdated build
apaz (17) | March 30, 2015 11:35pm
Though I like the pro gameplay, you should look at the formatting guide. It seems hat you have "[[Skill/Hero]]" down, but you should probably update your item and skill builds. They are outdated by about a year. Also, if you are against a lane that you are getting harassed in, you can get a value point in Inner Vitality, because you have no other spells that use mana. Also, the scaling of Berserker's Blood from 1-2 isn't really very good.

Also, Dagon? Really?
Sando (118) | March 30, 2015 10:31pm
Don't want to be mean, but sorry, think the build is pretty outdated now. Huskar is a heavy magic damage dealer and tank, not particularly brilliant as a traditional carry anymore.

I'd suggest you try the W-E-W-Q-W-R build (the bonus for extra points in Berserker's Blood give you is weak vs the potential Inner Vitality gives you).

For items, lifesteal is kinda outdated, his output is limited and he's very weak to physical damage. Get some armour in the form of Veil of Discord and Armlet of Mordiggian - both do far more to boost your damage output and survivability (think about it, Burning Spears and Life Break both inflict magic damage).

Personally, I like to finish off with something like Aghanim's Scepter, Black King Bar (if necessary) and then you can think about the likes of Satanic. Why Aghs? You can knock off 65% of an enemy's HP every 4 seconds..! Combined with Veil of Discord active? Boom.
RudeNess (1) | March 30, 2015 8:59pm
Pocciox wrote:

Consider diffusal and heaven's halberd

yea ik those items are good for Huskar but thise items can be very good only if the player know how to use them..
i dont think Huskar need Diffusal Blade because Life Break has a great slow for a long time!
so i rather save it!
Pocciox (2) | March 30, 2015 8:24pm
Consider diffusal and heaven's halberd
RudeNess (1) | March 30, 2015 10:20am
actually i agree with you.
this guide dostne have some awesome stuff to teach you but to new people with Huskar this guide can be really good.
diffusal blade is a great item on Huskar but y my opnion i think its a waste of money because you can get Monkey King Bar or daedlaus
and those items are better on him.

i dont know how much can people buton Huskar and after a long match the diffusal blade will ve sold and that mean the buyer waste a lot of gold and time to build it.
diffusal blade is hard to build because its in the mid\early game and that not so good time to play Huskar because the farm is'nt so good but you actually right.
diffusal blade can be a good item on Huskar sometime.

Thank for the advice
famasofwar (4) | March 30, 2015 8:40am
Guide offers nothing new, including his current special place in the meta atm.

Consider adding diffusal for example. It is a very strong item on him given certain line-ups.
RudeNess (1) | March 30, 2015 3:37am
thank you :D
hbui282 | March 30, 2015 2:45am
awasome guide! i like it
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