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12 Votes

Huskar "The Potencial for sacrifice is great!" Guide (UPDATE 05-02-13)

February 5, 2013 by BSnake
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IG.YYFan | March 27, 2013 7:16am
FrogKnight wrote:

lol this is a serious guide? thought it was just a troll....

Exactly what I wanted to say. mom with no bkb is 100% trolling build.
The core build for huskar is to prevent death when his hp gets low.
Magic wand is the core at early mid game,the 15 charges of heal turns a fail into double or triple kill.
Urn is the worst item for huskar to get because he has life steal to reg health and should never be healed to pass 50%, the mana reg is also a waste if urn can heal and the fact that huskar never lack of mana. The cost of urn will only delay huskar's core item Armlet.
But shadow blade on the other hand is a good item for huskar to position himself in teamfight and kite melee when in low health to get the kill.
BKB= must have(if there is stun)
sh0gamers | February 16, 2013 11:12pm
you forgot the BKB
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 6, 2013 12:56pm
BSnake wrote:

Yep, But if you kill axe faster than he does the GOOD DAY SIR! you kill him...
Huskar can push towers easily with these items...
I'll make a vid to show you...

Well sure, I don't have any doubts about it, but I think that any carry (both the ones with Battle Fury such as Anti-Mage and the ones without it like Troll Warlord or Luna) can do the same thing if fed.
Anyway, I hope you'll improve this guide as it's still a work-in-progress: neither +1 nor -1 for now, though.
BSnake | February 6, 2013 6:34am
Yep, But if you kill axe faster than he does the GOOD DAY SIR! you kill him...
Huskar can push towers easily with these items...
I'll make a vid to show you...
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 6, 2013 4:19am
Another Drow Ranger fan that tries to abuse the pubbish Shadow Blade + Mask of Madness combo which is also useless if you get items worth ~5000 gold before them.
Also, Armlet of Mordiggian is one of the best early game items if you want to skip lifesteal for a while, but it's outclassed by a lot of items if you pick it in the late game.

Sorry if I sounded rude, but I don't really think you have enough aknowledge about items and the time you should pick them: for sure this build works well (we're talking about pubs, uh), but it can be really improved.

Also, I disagree with most of your pros and cons: he can't really push that easily (just compare him to Keeper of the Light, Leshrac, Death Prophet or even Tinker) and he can't kill so many Heroes unless he's terribly fed.
Plus, you say that he is "very difficult to use". What? Maybe he needs some health management, but you can't really compare him to Meepo, Chen, Enchantress, Visage or even Invoker.

I can also see some typos in your guide, but I think you can correct them by reading your guide again.
Mirror (22) | February 5, 2013 7:06pm
I see your point but there is one thing that still nags me.....

Axe: I SAID GOOD DAY SIR!!!!!! "dead Husckar"
BSnake | February 5, 2013 4:04pm
Mirror wrote:

When I first started playing I lost to Husckar a lot. My friends and I learned the way to counter Huscar. Sheep stick. You can also use pretty much ANY stun other than Treant and Crystal Maiden.
Any team that knows what a problem Husckar can be will focus him down fast.

MoM lowers your E-HP (Effective Health Points) by 30%. If you click that bouton you lose 1/3 of your health. As someone that will be focused down in a fight you need to stay kicking for as long as possible. Also on any hero that gets MoM it falls off late game. Most people playing Faceless void will sell it after a few big items since your damage gain to damage loss if heavily weighed to the wrong side.

No Scepter, please. If you get Items to make you hit harder you will kills stuff faster than you would have if you reduced them with your ulti. If you get a heart you gain 40 attack and 1060 health. A much better item.

I am not the first person to say this and I hope I am not the last. If you play in match making were no one ever trys to counter you thats fine. If someone does try to pick one hero with a stun you need a way to not become useless. It even gives you a fair amount of damage

You point out not to get Satanic because of the mana cost. Well, you are not using your mana for any thing else. Oh wait, you use it for your heal. Satanic heals more.

Life steal is gotten not to ignore burning spear but when your back is pushed to the wall. If you open with your ulti then start throwing spears every were until you get low than you switch spears off. Your attack speed will give you more life so you get healed. Once you are on some good health again switch Burning Spears back on.

Shadow Blade is almost as easy to counter as Riki. You but a 180 dollar stack of dust or appearance and all of a sudden they can see you. 3000 gold item vs 180 gold item. Who gets the better end of this deal?

The only three items I can agree with you getting is urn, armlet and the boots of speed (not even the treads) but that is ok, every one plays the game differently.

This is a style of playing huskar you can enjoy it, it is basicly sacrifice yourself and kill lots of enemy heroes, this doesn't mean you survive.
You probably if you are feeded you don't need shadow blade, it is just in case of emergency and suprise element..

I like Aghanim Scepter becouse you will be like a frog jump around enemy by enemy and you will need low cooldown on it, you will need it for pudge.

Mask of Madness, I like it becouse it is useful for pushing you just do is solo a tower you stay in front of it activate armlet and mask of madness.
You should be aware of all map becouse that will call enemy's attention, you should have a charge on Urn so when they are coming for you, you can heal yourself and escape/battle.

As Huskar I like to get to the limit becouse when you have like 150 hp they think that they can kill you but someone randomly attacks you and if it is not a disabler you just do like 400 per hit and its like insta-death. For that you should be aware of invis so you can kill them when they try to attack you.

As I said, this is just a way to play, I like it and you can get alots of kills, but this is only possible in certain matches.

Futurely, I will post a video so everyone can see me playing with this build.
Thanks for the review.
Mirror (22) | February 5, 2013 3:50pm
When I first started playing I lost to Husckar a lot. My friends and I learned the way to counter Huscar. Sheep stick. You can also use pretty much ANY stun other than Treant and Crystal Maiden.
Any team that knows what a problem Husckar can be will focus him down fast.

MoM lowers your E-HP (Effective Health Points) by 30%. If you click that bouton you lose 1/3 of your health. As someone that will be focused down in a fight you need to stay kicking for as long as possible. Also on any hero that gets MoM it falls off late game. Most people playing Faceless void will sell it after a few big items since your damage gain to damage loss if heavily weighed to the wrong side.

No Scepter, please. If you get Items to make you hit harder you will kills stuff faster than you would have if you reduced them with your ulti. If you get a heart you gain 40 attack and 1060 health. A much better item.

I am not the first person to say this and I hope I am not the last. If you play in match making were no one ever trys to counter you thats fine. If someone does try to pick one hero with a stun you need a way to not become useless. It even gives you a fair amount of damage

You point out not to get Satanic because of the mana cost. Well, you are not using your mana for any thing else. Oh wait, you use it for your heal. Satanic heals more.

Life steal is gotten not to ignore burning spear but when your back is pushed to the wall. If you open with your ulti then start throwing spears every were until you get low than you switch spears off. Your attack speed will give you more life so you get healed. Once you are on some good health again switch Burning Spears back on.

Shadow Blade is almost as easy to counter as Riki. You but a 180 dollar stack of dust or appearance and all of a sudden they can see you. 3000 gold item vs 180 gold item. Who gets the better end of this deal?

The only three items I can agree with you getting is urn, armlet and the boots of speed (not even the treads) but that is ok, every one plays the game differently.
BSnake | February 3, 2013 4:23pm
daPhongster wrote:

I don't think you know what 'at the same time' means.

You never explained why you reject lifesteal.

You never explained why any of your core items is good.

You never explained why you acknowledge Stuns as one of Huskar's weakness, yet not make BKB core.

"at the same time" I mean as faster you can do so.

I reject lifesteal when it is alot... Huskar doesn't need alot of lifesteal becouse as Huskar you want to get low hp to deal more damage and have more attack speed.

Core Items:
Aghanim Scepter- It gives you some stats(not a big amouth) and upgrades your ulti making you deal more damage in percentage that is good to kill pudge and it also reduces your cooldown so you can jump and jump in teambattles.

Urn of Shadows: It gets much charges when you kill someone, it is usefull becouse it heals you when you, so you don't have to go to the base.

Shadow Blade: Gives you attack speed and a good way to escape.

Assault Cuirass: Gives you Armor and attack speed(Armor to be more immune to attacks)

Mask of Madness: Useful becouse it can regen some of your health with your attacks(lifesteal) and it can make you more attack speed for a certain time, making you more vunerable to other attacks)

Armlet of Mordigian:Basecly useful becouse it can give you more strenght(more attack damage) and attack speed while burning your hp.

As you see items give you more attack damage and attack speed while burning your hp with low hp you attack faster and deal more damage while your assault cuirass give your more armor and preventing death with lifesteal that with less hp you attack faster and gives you more health.

Sorry for the delay I am a bit busy.... But I will try to upgrade this guide.
FrogKnight (1) | December 17, 2012 3:40am
lol this is a serious guide? thought it was just a troll....
daPhongster (8) | December 8, 2012 7:12pm
I don't think you know what 'at the same time' means.

You never explained why you reject lifesteal.

You never explained why any of your core items is good.

You never explained why you acknowledge Stuns as one of Huskar's weakness, yet not make BKB core.
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