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Huskar- In Pain Is Power

December 12, 2012 by MunkeyFish
Comments: 2    |    Views: 14251    |   


DotA2 Hero: Huskar

Hero Skills

Blood Magic (Innate)

Inner Fire

3 12 13 14

Burning Spear

1 5 8 10

Berserker's Blood

2 4 7 9

Life Break

6 11 16


15 17 18


Huskar- The Sacred Warrior

Huskar is a ranged strength hero who sacrifices his own health in order to deal more damage to his enemies. He is a capable ganker but is played more commonly as a carry/semi-carry depending on how well farming is going. Huskar is famous for his Life Break ultimate which can turn the tankiest of tanks into mush with only one hit. This guide is basic and therefore will not unlock Huskar's full potential but is aimed towards people who have just started playing Huskar.

Skills and Skill Build

Inner Vitality: This is a healing skill which will heal yourself or an allied unit over time for a percentage of their primary attribute. The heal scales at 2/4/6/8hp per second plus 5/10/15/20% of the units primary attribute for 16 seconds. There is no set amount that this ability heals as the percentage healed changes as your health regenerates. If a hero is under 40% health when this skill is activated it will heal faster with a rate of bonus of 15/30/45/60% of their primary attribute. As Huskar gets stronger the lower his health is this skill isn't that necessary early on and picking up a point at level 3 is enough to tide you over until you've leveled your other skills. This is the only skill in Huskars repertoire that uses mana.

Burning Spear: Burning Spear is a unique attack modifier that sets Huskar's spears aflame causing extra damage over time. This damage scales at 4/8/12/16 damage per second for 7 seconds. Attacking the same target will stack the damage done. This skill does not use mana but costs 15hp per spear thrown, Huskar cannot die from Burning Spear but late in the game you will be attacking very fast so beware of shaving your health down too much and don't leave it active. Take this at level 1 and then scale it alongside Beserker's Blood.

Berserker's Blood: This is Huskar's bread and butter skill and it's what makes him so powerful. Berserker's Blood is a passive ability which allows Huskar to attack faster and hit harder the more health he loses. The damage scales at 2/4/6/8 and the attack speed scales at 3/6/9/12% per 7%hp lost. This buff is active at full health and will stop scaling when he reaches 3% of his maximum health giving you a maximum of 14 stacks. Take at level 2 and then scale alongside Burning Spear.

Life Break: Life Break is Huskar's ultimate ability and one of the hardest hitting single shot ultimates in the game. When used Huskar will leap onto an enemy unit and take off 50% of their current hp in a single hit and in exchange Huskar will lose 35/30/25% of his own health. Life Break will also slow the enemy by 50% for 5 seconds. Huskar is magic immune while leaping. This skill IS blockable by Black King Bar but the slow will still take effect. It is also upgradeable by Aghanim's Scepter to increase the damage dealt to 65% and reduce the cooldown to 4 seconds. If Huskar becomes magic immune before he uses this skill he won't take his portion of the damage.

Items and Item Build

Starting Items
Gauntlets of Strength: Being a strength hero Huskar will benefit greatly from an early boost. These will provide you with extra damage, health and health regen. Pick two of these up.
Circlet: A circlet will provide a few points to all attributes, a handy item to have early on. Pick one up.
Tango: Your gonna take a bit of a bashing playing as Huskar so buy these to keep your health topped up so you don't have to keep using Inner Vitality.

Early Game
Bracer: Bracers will give you good stat boosts and increase your strength, farm well and these can be picked up in next to no time. These are upgraded from your Gauntlets of Strength so pick up 2.
Power Treads: I've never used any other boots with Huskar nor do I ever intend to. The additional stat boost,attack speed and movement speed are too good to pass up with other boots.
Mask of Madness: This item will provide you with some lifesteal but be wary that it doesn't grant the lifesteal if Burning Spear is active so make sure its turned off if you need to heal. Also activating Mask of Madness gives you a huge attack and movement speed boost allowing you unload on a disabled enemy or tower, however be careful as you take additional damage when its active.
Sange: Sange is a great weapon for strength heroes as it provides you with damage and strength (which means extra damage plus health and regen). Sange will also give you a 15% chance to maim a target, slowing it for 4 seconds by 20%.

Mid Game
Crystalis: Replace one of your Bracers with a Crystalis. This item will give you a good damage boost as well as a 20% chance to deal 1.75x damage. A must have for Huskar.
Sange and Yasha: Build a Yasha and it will combine with your Sange to make this item. Until I know a better build I always pick this item up on strength and agility heroes because the stats it provides are too good. Sange and Yasha will give you bonus movement speed, attack speed, damage, strength,agility and the chance to use a greater maim which slows by 30% for 4 seconds.
Maelstrom: This item is incredibly useful for Huskar because it provides him with attack speed and damage but more importantly it gives him a 25% chance to cast Chain Lightning which bounces up to 4 targets for 120 each. The good thing about Maelstrom is that even though it is a Unique Attack Modifier (like Burning Spear and Mask of Madness) it DOES still work if any of the other two are active it will just cancel out the one active for the single strike of Chain Lightning and then the other Modifier will turn on again.

Late Game

Aghanim's Scepter: Replace you remaining Bracer with Aghanim's Scepter. Aghanim's will provide you with decent stat boosts to all attributes but its main function is that it will increase the damage you deal with Life Break to 65% and reduce the cool down to only 4 seconds.
Mjolnir: This item is upgraded from Maelstrom. It provides more speed and damage and upgrades the damage dealt by Chain Lightning to 160 per target. An additional ability this item has is Static Charge which places a charge around an allied unit (including yourself) so when you recieve damage there is a 20% chance that you will use Chain Lightning on two targets for 200 damage each. Nifty eh?
Daedalus: This upgrades from your Crystalis and gives you a massive damage boost and a 25% chance to deal 2.7x damage on your attacks. When your attacking as fast as you will be at this stage this item will shred any opponent.


These items are for when you've played Huskar for a while and know how to use him properly. They are excellent items to get but there's little need for them if you don't know the limits of the hero your controlling.
Armlet of Mordiggan: The Armlet will give you attack damage, health regen, attack speed and armour. Its active Unholy Strength is why people pick it up though because it provides you with +31 damage, +25 strength and +10 attack speed but drains your health by 40hp per second. This doesn't sound like a difficult item to use but its very easy to forget to turn it off and have your health shaved off during skirmishes and team fights.
Black King Bar: The Black King Bar will make you magic immune for a short while as well as give you a strength and damage boost. The only problem with Black King Bar is that every time you use it the duration of which the immunity is active decreases, which can catch you out if you keep spamming it.
Heart of Tarrasque: This isn't a difficult item to use, it's just buying it is a pain in the ***. It costs a damn fortune so unless your farming well and racking up kills and towers its unlikely you'll be able to pick one up quickly. If you can pick it up though by all means get it as its a must have for strength heroes providing you with a massive boost to strength, health and regen.

Play Style

Early Game
During the early stages of the game your main priority is to farm farm farm. Killing enemies isn't really at the front of your to-do list at this point but if you find an opening or your team sets up a gank switch on Burning Spear and go to town on the unlucky fellow. Remember to turn off Burning Spear when not attacking enemy heroes as it is wasted on creeps. If your lane mate is a support don't abandon them if they get attacked, help them out because if they're constantly dead they're no use to you.

Mid Game
When you get your ultimate and have a few levels of Burning Spear and Beserker's Blood you can start being a little more aggressive. Turn on Burning Spear and wait for your lane mate to stun/disable your target and leap in with Life Break. Don't use Life Break if you have low health because an attack can quickly turn on you and you wind up dead, not fun. Make sure to use Mask of Madness on towers to take them down quickly and gank other lanes if yours is pushed or the enemies are being cowardly.

Late Game
At this point you should be strong enough to take on anyone in the enemy team. Use Burning Spear and Life Break wisely and don't forget the actives on your items, they are all beneficial and will help you greatly. If your having trouble and are getting killed or the enemy keep escaping you focus on other things like towers and pushing lanes. In hindsight those are more important anyway.

Friends and Foes

Omniknight: Omniknight is a great support with Huskar as he can instantly heal you after you use Life Break. Though having lower health benefits Berserker's Blood it is still useful to regain your full strength when the enemy has lost half of theirs. Omniknight can also grant you spell immunity so you don't take damage from Life Break as well as protecting you from enemy spells and attacks.
Shadow Shaman: Shadow Shaman's disables will help you get kills so much easier as the enemy has no way of fighting back or escaping. His nuke will also help finish off those who survive your Life Break/Burning Spear combo. His Serpent Wards will also help you easily push towers giving you an easier time in lane.
Lion: Lion is another hero with two disables at his disposal which will make kills a lot easier. His Finger of Death ultimate will easily finish off an opponent after you have used Life Break without you even needing to attack. This may annoy you and you'll cry "kill steal" but at the end of the day a kill is a kill, DOTA is a team game so play as a team.
Lina: Lina is good due to her fire power. Nuff said.

Lifestealer: Lifestealer PISSES ME OFF. You'll normally find him weakened in the jungle, you'll leap onto him with Life Break and the douchebag activates his magic immunity -.-. Next thing you know hes tearing you to shreds or has managed to escape, one of the two.
Anti-Mage: Anti-Mage is a pain simply because of Blink, pin him down and hes not much of a challenge. Queen of Pain does this too.
Riki: Dive in with Life Break, unload with Burning Spear and then *poof* he's gone and Burning Spear fails to pick up the kill. Nyx, Bounty Hunter and Clinkz fit this bill too.
Skeleton King: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!?!?!?!!!?!?

Pros and Cons

Huskar is a strong hero who hits harder and faster the more damage is dealt to him, meaning youll win most one on one fights.
Life Break hits hard, really hard, even a beefed up Pudge will wilt at the hands of your ultimate.
Inner Vitality is a great healing tool when you've picked up some strength items, you can go from no health to pretty much full in just over 15 seconds.

Huskar's whole agenda is to lose health so he gets more damage but this can be overdone and lead to your death if your not careful.
Huskar has no stun/disable other than Life Break but that is only single target.
Like any carry if you can't get the ball rolling with Huskar your probably going to have a bad game.
Wised-up players will add Black King Bar to their item build just to counter your Life Break, if they see you charging right at them they will normally activate it mid-jump, rendering it useless.
Diving in with Life Break will attract unwanted attention from creeps, towers and other heroes meaning your noramally focused in team fights. Don't fight a whole team by yourself.

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