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Huskar - Face The Truth

January 30, 2012 by TrueFace
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SkyneT800 (1) | February 15, 2012 5:22pm
Or you can harass and get first blood, and last hit. It's not hard to do both. You're dumb if you don't get burning spears at level one.
TrueFace | February 12, 2012 1:40pm
When I play mid I need those lasthits to finish Power Treads. If u harass u dont get those lasthits and it would only be relevant if u manage to get firstblood. But how to kill ur enemy just with autoattacks? In my opinion u need ur ult for that. But getting spears for only one kill with lvl 6 and then go for lifesteal is kinda waste of skill points.
Superninja (2) | February 10, 2012 9:20am
Can u even try to explain how 1 level of heal (or +2 stats) goes over lvl1 burning spears?? And by level 6 u have only disadvantage to spear build, u cant harass enemies so u cant acquire lane dominance which would lead to superior farm and xp or could net some kills. At level 6 with ur build u only have a bit better heal which doesnt save your life or make u kill more enemies
SkyneT800 (1) | February 9, 2012 11:41am
Holy **** you get burning spears at level one. WTF IS THIS
TrueFace | January 29, 2012 2:44pm
Of course his early game is much stronger with Burning Spear, but after 50 wins that I have with husk right now, I came to the decision that he is much more effective if played this way.
If u just manage to get lvl 6 (which isn't very hard with a range) u will have a great advantage over the nuker build.
I play husk as a carry and therefore think mid-late game dominance is better than early game. This is just my opinion, if u want to play him as an early game nuker feel free to do so :D
Lionbone | January 29, 2012 2:10pm
The reason you think he is bad till level 6 is cause you don't take the skill that makes him overpowered earlygame, but sucks and gets replaced lategame with Armlet.
Yes, i'm talking about burning spear.

The way you suggest taking his skills make him more tanky, while huskar is supposed to be built as a nuking son of a ***** that jumps in with ultimate and just starts taking down all your teammembers one by one.
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