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There are 2 mainstream ways to play PL --> Either he is a Carry Auto attacker With his illusions as steroids
Or he is an Illusion creating monster, where his illusions do the dmg
Effectively --> auto hitter with illusions for overkill--> Dmg items
--> Illusions overkill --> Dmg stat items
Plus, daedalus is really a waste of money on PL
Ethereal or another heart would be a much better sixth slot. You don't need raw damage, you need stats.
And wtf is up with that starting build? Stout + quelling is never ever ever good. Not even if you're bloodseeker.
+1 for you.
Ideal skill build, but you should really build radiance on him. Also, if you're doing well enough to actually farm all those items up, the game would have ended by the time you could aquire them.
I disagree. Daedalus is better to build on PL because of its ability to scale in lategame, while Radiance falls off.
You could add an alternative radiance build for if your early game went super well.
Also, your illusions aren't really that effective early game...