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How to Tide!!! by Lintang88

March 25, 2015 by lintang88
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CapnDaft (8) | March 26, 2015 2:00pm
Smuggels wrote:

anchor smash destroys melee carries in the lane and in the current meta melee carries are the **** so theres that as well.

then you have ravage which is a big thing but its not the main one.

the reason why hes picked?

hes an incredibly strong solo laner. so strong teams that are going 2-1-2 suddenly change to a 3-1-1 just so they can controlhim better in lane .

he requires 3 heroes thats why he is strong in current meta of Xp spreading

He also has a comeback in farm mechanism which are ancients. He can get blink earlier than other
offlaners, which is a big +
lintang88 | March 26, 2015 7:19am
Thank you everybody for the comments and replies

sorry for the mistakes that i have made
Once again Thanks. ^^
Smuggels (82) | March 26, 2015 12:12am
apaz wrote:

The reason why tide is a tier one pick in the pro scene is, utterly and completely, Ravage. I think that there should be some sort of explanation on Ravage.

no its not.

Krakens shell forces hard disables onto team members instead of you.

anchor smash destroys melee carries in the lane and in the current meta melee carries are the **** so theres that as well.

then you have ravage which is a big thing but its not the main one.

the reason why hes picked?

hes an incredibly strong solo laner. so strong teams that are going 2-1-2 suddenly change to a 3-1-1 just so they can controlhim better in lane .

he requires 3 heroes thats why he is strong in current meta of Xp spreading
apaz (17) | March 25, 2015 10:55pm
The reason why tide is a tier one pick in the pro scene is, utterly and completely, Ravage. I think that there should be some sort of explanation on Ravage.

Maxing Kraken Shell isn't really viable anymore, though. Usually you get:
Anchor Smash/ Kraken Shell
Anchor Smash/ Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell
Anchor Smash
Anchor Smash
Anchor Smash
Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell

This is the generally accepted skill build. Not only that, but this the right one.

Also, Shiva's Gaurd is commonly bought before Refersher Orb, and that is because it actually gives you like, 500 EHP. Int is always awesome because of how mana-starved you are while you farm, and the boost to your initiation is also really good, especially if they have many carries. Which is all that pub matches are.
CapnDaft (8) | March 25, 2015 10:14pm
This build would be good if we were in 2012.

Things changed, I don't like the stuff you recommend. There are just way better heroes for what you suggest.

The guide is well-made but as a tide player I totally don't agree with you on the build.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 25, 2015 3:57pm
double square brackets my friend.

double. :)

on a different note, the guide is good, needs more explanation.
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