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Pounce: 1, 3, 5, 7
Dark Pact : 2 , 8, 9, 10
Essence Shift : 4 , 12, 13, 14
Shadow Dance : 6, 11, 16
I play him super aggressive, constantly popping
Why do you recommend leveling Dark Pact before Pounce? Pounce only does 7% less damage, with the tradeoff of such huge versatility. It can be used to escape, chase, or just hold an enemy down while the rest of the team surrounds. And on top of all of that, it doesn't hurt Slark.
Dark Pact has an area of effect, but normally if there's more than one hero around I'm hesitant to damage myself. I find that I mainly use it in a 1v1 fight, immediately following the pounce.
Personally I prefer early levels in pounce and shift, only putting 1 point in dark pact at level 2 until much later. Its an awesome skill to remove disables early game but takes away too much HP if maxed early whereas early pouce levels lowers the cd saving your *** more often than not :@
I enjoy getting a Battlefury later on too if you are doing well. You steal stats for very long when shift is maxed, naturally increasing your damage and picking up battlefury allows you dish out that damage to more than just 1 enemy. Adds a lot to the team fight
And just a special mention, picking up linkin's sphere makes you almost as hard to kill as a weaver
Hope it helps :)
Some advice that I have, as an extremely versed Slark player. Yasha is an amazing addition to his kit, but Sange is not. As a matter of fact, there's tons of items in here that you have labeled as necessary that are situational at best.
Items that you don't need in most games:
Hood of Defiance
Blink Dagger
Ethereal Blade
S&Y is basically the ultimate noob item. It gives you awesome stats, but is generally useless. That gold can be put to better use, say Manta Style.
BKB can be game braking when the enemy has the correct team comp. But in nearly every case, it's unnecessary. Linken Sphere will generally do the trick for you.
I don't mean to make this next part sound aggressive, but the addition of Vlads to this kit makes me believe that your image of Slark is completely wrong. Vlads has no room in this hero's build. From what I can see, you're building Slark to get in a fight and stay there. I'd suggest that you try to build him as more of an assassin. Slark is meant to jump in, kill one, disappear for a few moments, then jump back in and kill another, and so on. Your vision of him is someone who just right clicks down the entire team.
I'd strongly suggest that you look into adding Orb of Venom as one of your core items. It's so cheap and so useful on this hero. You can sell it later in the game when you need the inventory space. Alternatively, you can build it into an Eye. I very much believe that Butterfly should be one of your core late game items. The evasion and damage increase allows you to pick off even the largest of foes.
All in all, I believe that you have some improvement to make with this guide. Good luck.
I also think his boots choices are more open than just treads, I've experimented with phase boots as well as early BoTs and find that they both work about as well, as long as I pick up an early drums to help with his lackluster stat gain.
That's about it, otherwise fantastic guide, +1