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How to right click with the Drow Ranger. 6.79

December 17, 2013 by roblawls
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Right clicking

DotA2 Hero: Drow Ranger

Hero Skills

Precision Aura (Innate)

Frost Arrows

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Having trouble getting lasts hits with Drow? Are you being out farmed?

Well this is the guide for you! Drow Ranger is one of those hero's that relies on stats more than just +damage. As agility gives her more base damage, attack speed, and armor. Getting these stats early can secure easier farm and give you a lot of poke. When I say a lot of poke, I mean a lot. With Drow Ranger having the range of 625 you can shut down any melee carry trying to farm, in mid lane or side lane. The best part about this build is when people do not expect the chucks of damage you do to them. Before we get into this let me just say that this build can work in mid or side lane. This build will be mostly for newer players looking to practice last hitting and carrying. The build is for farming for as long as you can, 15-20 minutes of staying in lane. Getting as many last hits as you can. Not a good ganking guide/build. Now let's start.

Pros & Cons

Sick nerd damage.
Easy to farm.
Amazing poke.
Will lead to a great mid/late game.

No crowd control until level 12-13.
Can be ganked quite easily.
Very very last hit dependent to execute the build perfectly.
Can not gank with this build, will be in lane for a long time.

Starting Items and Core Items.

So the purchase order tells you to grab Tango, Circlet, Slippers of Agility and 3 Iron Branch. After getting those items you head to your lane. Whichever, mid or side lane. After two last hits you want to buy your Wraith Band Recipe. Once you get 450 gold you want to purchase Band of Elvenskin, after that follow up with Gloves of Haste and then Boots of Speed to finish your Power Treads. If you're in the side lane buying from the side shop, and you still have tangos it's okay to put an Iron Branch on the ground until you finish the Power Treads. I like to keep my Iron Branchs for as long as I can.

Now after finishing the Power Treads you want to start building Yasha. If you're getting a lot of last hits you can start building Yasha by purchasing Blade of Alacrity, if you're not getting much farm.(Either missing last hits or getting harassed) you want to start the Yasha with Band of Elvenskin.

After finishing Power Treads and Yasha, you want to go for Morbid Mask, then building into Helm of Iron Will to finish Helm of the Dominator. After getting all of the items above(especially Helm of the Dominator), and having your 2nd point in your ultimate, you can easily solo Roshan. You just have to be very sneaky! This will give you level 12, so you put your first point into the Frost Arrow. Then since you have your core items and Aegis you can go out and get gank sick nasty on some nerds. Orrr just go back to farming if you haven't killed your tower yet, or you could even hit the jungle.

Mid to late game, (Level 12-25)

Your first late game item to build would be the Daedalus. Start building it by purchasing Crystalys. The critical strike on Daedalus is amazing. The one stat you can not get with attributes. Now it's time to make the Butterfly, one of the best items for Drow Ranger, as it gives stats to everything she needs to have that insane right click. You want buy Eaglesong to start the Butterfly. Agility is more useful for you than attack speed/damage and/or evasion. After Butterfly is done and for some reason you still haven't won yet, you want to finish your Mantastyle. Self explanatory how to finish that one. Then if the game you're playing still isn't over, and probably the closest game ever... You grab your Satanic for incredible life stealage.

The item build order is what's important. After level 12, you go into normal Drow Ranger mode. Go around the map and start to hurt your enemy team with your ****** damage. Hurt them, hurt them good. Go on and get out of here and try the build. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it. And remember, it's all about that right click!

Situational Items

The Bottle is the most standard middle lane item. With this build you want damage damage damage for maximum farm, so personally.. I like to skip Bottle to save gold to rush the Power Treads. If you are playing against someone who is using Bottle you may have to play very defensive when they use the rune.

The Hand of Midas is a very situational item. It can make your mid/late game a lot better and a lot faster, just depends on your last hits and if you skip Bottle or not. I once brought a game back from being 0-5 with a Hand of Midas. Very situational, but can be worth it.

The Desolator is a great item all around, but lacks agility. However it does reduce armor, so it's good vs heavy tanky heros.

Divine Rapier when ahead get more ahead? If you're 30-0 get it.

The Black King Bar is a great situational item for obvious reasons. If you want to be immune to magic stuff for a few seconds and go ham. Then grab it. Good item.

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