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3 Votes

How to play Lone Druid... The pro way.

August 3, 2012 by Mukl
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Mukl | August 19, 2012 3:20am
when starting in the jungle, getting boots is important because it helps you get from camp A to camp B faster. tangoes are a quick heal incase something goes wrong. shadow blade is situational, and this guide is for pubs. battle fury isnt nessacary, but is also situational. the regen it provides is helpful, and the damage helps alot.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 16, 2012 7:30am
Boots and Tango, already a bad guide.
Shadow Blade hue hue hue, have you even tried this build in pubs, I am sure you would get the same feedback.

Battlefury guys guys please inform him why you do not get battlefury on just any hero.
Sefi (3) | August 3, 2012 2:34am
I feel like this guide is much too cut and dry and doesn't give enough explanation on how to play the hero. How about info on micro-managing the bear as you farm? How long to jungle until emerging and at what levels can you take which creep camps? When can you start farming ancients? I think a guide should assume that the person knows nothing at all about the capabilities of the hero and they should be fully elaborated on for a successful guide.

I also don't agree with your item choices, or rather your lack of item choices. A quick vlads is desired on any druid, but you mention nothing about boots after basic boots except on the second build, and for Sylla only. Where's the Phase Boots on Bear so you don't accidentally block him while he's chasing? Or even any boots at all? What about Hand of Midas for quick farm? A quelling blade on the bear to make farming easier? No upgrade to Abyssal for on-command stun from your already-core Skull Basher? How about his capabilities as a pusher immediately after jungling?

There's a lot of item options I feel are very basic on Sylla that aren't mentioned at all, and this combined with the general lack of information makes this guide very underwhelming.
jaslam (21) | August 3, 2012 2:11am
hmm.. I'm a fan of druid - I'm also a fan of the jungle build - I like your items, and content of the guide, but a couple of things to consider.

if your rushing vladz - why get boots? why not just get a ring of regen and ring of protection, and give both to the bear (as he is tanking neuts)? that's a 500 gold faster vladz.

Also - if you're jungling - you don't need to level your spirit form straight away. becuase your jungling anyway. If you're getting ganked a lot of course level it. but other than that, getting another level of synergy or rabid at 6, will make your bear stronger, if you have vladz already you don't need the life steal anyway as the bear is doing all the work. your MS drops from 315 to 280, so take that in to consideration when you don't have rabid skill yet.

SNY could also be an option for Druid - maim added to the mix almost guarantees a kill on a hero who can't get away. you also forgot a BKB..

From the looks of your luxury items - it would seem you never get passed a basher for both before the game is over (which is fair, as long as you won!) but in my experience with junglers, time is an issue (especially around level 4-10) - which is why early levels of rabid help. the faster you can clear the creep camps, gank - wait for respawn, clear camps, gank - etc the greater your gold per second. a quick 6-8 min midas may also resolve that, and help you level faster.

but +1 for content and bash build (also a personal fav!!)
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