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20 Votes

How to play Lich in public games

July 9, 2013 by Dukermons
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Keyzor | March 28, 2016 1:44am
This guide sounds interesting, I will try this kind of "racecar"-build on Lich. For my preferences I miss the urn of shadows in this build. But I guess this has to be spared for the drums. And I think the agahnim's scepter is damn important on Lich and buying euls might delay getting it.
But it does not harm for me to try other builds.
Jabadooha | June 19, 2015 3:10pm
I consider other build and some other items more useful that ones you listed. Good guide though.
At early game shield is more useful than Frost nova imho. Also build consisting of shiva/aghanim/glittering cape/force staff(or blink), tp boots, and heart of terrasque is most badass imho, but that depends also both on type of friends and foes.
Xyrus (104) | January 22, 2014 7:30am
Dukermons wrote:

The reason I don't usually build a mek is mainly down to Lich being bad at farming and the fact he really shouldn't be farming, at least not early game. It's all about the deny with Lich, not the hunt for gold. Mek is only really useful if it is up and running early game, going for it quick enough to make a difference takes gold from the guys or gals who really need it.

Agreed, while it is an essential Item for your Team, you're probably going to take forever to Farm it while buying Wards, Smoke, Dust, etc. meaning by the time you get it, it's no longer worth the cost. If you can get the Farm and there aren't any better Mekansm holders, e.g. Axe, Dark Seer, Outworld Devourer, etc. then get it on Lich if you can, but this is assuming you have any space to Farm.
Dukermons wrote:

Drum stays useful right the way through and the +9 to all stats thing is great for the price. I don't think getting them both is the best option for the team. Let a support who can farm get the mek much earlier when it will be useful

This is usually a better option, but sometimes you just need HP, in which case, a Casual Vitality Booster might suit you better, or maybe even a Bracer will be enough.
Dukermons wrote:

The Eul's gives a +30 movement speed bonus that stacks with any boots, it's active is ALWAYS useful and a little extra intel doesn't hurt. The mana regen isn't the main point of it being in the build, more the extra speed to aid a hero with no natural escape, he's a lot less catchable, add the force staff in as well and it's not easy catching THIS flying dead guy. Seriously, if you haven't ever run round with Lich, boots of travel, a drum and a Eul's, go try it, hilarious.

Personanlly, I don't see Eul's Scepter being that useful in most matches, it's better, most of the time, to get a Force Staff. Since you most likely went Tranquil Boots you already have some extra Movement Speed, and the Regen and Active are much better than the Mana Regen and Tornado.

Overall, a short but good guide to Lich, +1.
DJTiez | January 22, 2014 7:10am
I've made a Lich guide myself. I've made a special mention to this guide. please check it out, i would love to get your opinion.

Dhal | July 25, 2013 12:40am
Just upvoted after using this build in mid vs. Invoker, in normal queue. Trading between sac on ranged mob to prevent stacking/pushing, and melee creeps kept the lane where I wanted it. The survival let me 1v1 their NP when intersecting during ganks. And the wards are perfect as you can tap both top and bottom from mid pretty ez. Before lvl 6 the frost blast mostly gave what that lane needed (the slow) to down the guys. The lane phase was over quick and this build made an awesome gank squad assist mid game, dipping into the lanes when close to nab some quick MP. Late game in team fights it was just over for them.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 18, 2013 3:41pm
If you are on the safe lane, you shouldn't be blocking. If your opponents don't block well and you do, then you end up pushing the lane (because enemy creeps will be under a tower) AND you will have a hard time last hitting.

Sacing the ranged creep is a very important distintion, since the lane WILL push if your opponent has more ranged creeps than you do (assuming there are still melee creeps taking the blows) since ranged creeps do piercing damage.

It's not about you doing something wrong, but rather your opponents ability to do something right.

And on the point of starting items- I would add that information for those who are reading this to get an understanding of how to play lich. I don't actually see that mentioned in the guide.
Dukermons | March 14, 2013 8:18am
"I guess this guide assumes you random lich, since the starting items gold total adds up to far more than 603"

The reason it adds up to more than 603 is that if someone else buys the courier you can then get wards or the ring of protection.

Actual starting items should be the tangos, the salve, the gauntlets and 2 branches and 1 of either courier, wards or ring of protection.

"What should be added to the reason behind sac first- beginning of the game sac a ranged creep on the initial waves."

To be honest, if I'm on the safe lane I always go for the front creep so I can get some decent blocking in.

If I'm on the suicide lane then I will sac the ranged creep and not block.

If your lane doesn't push when it's 4v3, (in creep terms), to the enemy, then you're doing something very wrong.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 13, 2013 12:12pm
What should be added to the reason behind sac first- beginning of the game sac a ranged creep on the initial waves. This will guarantee that the lane pushes towards your tower, thus making an easier lane.

When your opponent has more ranges creeps that you, the lane is guaranteed to push and you can't stop it. Since ranged creeps are in the back and do piercing damage.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 13, 2013 12:08pm
I guess this guide assumes you random lich, since the starting items gold total adds up to far more than 603
Dukermons | March 12, 2013 5:18pm
Yeah man, I saw it. Looks really nice but I can't agree with not skilling the sacrifice first. The frost blast at level 1 does 50 damage, more or less a single right click, less with the 25% magic resistance, It's just not worth the 125 mana for the damage of a single auto attack.

The sacrifice is useful, like really useful, straight away. It helps control the lane, denies xp and gold and at level 2 you get use it exactly once per creep wave. If you can use it out of enemy xp range, even occasionally, that can help it become a really nice advantage.

Apart from that it was really nice though, good job.
hydriss (1) | March 10, 2013 7:09am
Dukermons wrote:

The reason I don't usually build a mek is mainly down to Lich being bad at farming and the fact he really shouldn't be farming, at least not early game. It's all about the deny with Lich, not the hunt for gold. Mek is only really useful if it is up and running early game, going for it quick enough to make a difference takes gold from the guys or gals who really need it.

Drum stays useful right the way through and the +9 to all stats thing is great for the price. I don't think getting them both is the best option for the team. Let a support who can farm get the mek much earlier when it will be useful

The Eul's gives a +30 movement speed bonus that stacks with any boots, it's active is ALWAYS useful and a little extra intel doesn't hurt. The mana regen isn't the main point of it being in the build, more the extra speed to aid a hero with no natural escape, he's a lot less catchable, add the force staff in as well and it's not easy catching THIS flying dead guy. Seriously, if you haven't ever run round with Lich, boots of travel, a drum and a Eul's, go try it, hilarious.

I agree that Eul's is a useful item on almost any hero (purely for the active in Lich's case) as it's like a mini Scythe of Vyse.

But I actually disagree about not getting mek, it's an essential support item and whilst you say that lich doesn't really get farm is certainly true if you play him supportively, Mek is still a very easy item to obtain, the hardest farm you'll do to get it is the final recipe at just 900G!

Overall it's a nice guide :) +1 please check out my Lich guide as well if you have the time :)
GGnet.Ace (4) | February 21, 2013 6:23pm
Good guide.But there is something to fix.Lich is killing enemy lane.
He is picked for dominating easy lane and babysitting your carry due to his free deny for a creep his constant haras of Nova due to perma high mana.ChainFrost Unlike you mentioned is no reliable skill since it bounces without being able to be controled.Also he is picked for giving the edge with frost armor in 1v1 melee carry fight.
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