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How to play Jug as Carry or Pusher

October 12, 2012 by JugOrNot
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kalzonenu (1) | November 4, 2012 11:20am
HugiN wrote:

Hi! Nice guide. But i find myself disagreeing with a few things. I find the crit very useful, (at least one point) at least when you start using Omnislash. I dont see how +4 all stats outweighs a high crit chance. Your guide practiacally makes all the ultis u use up until lvl 13 half as efficient. But thats just me.
Also, I see you focus on spin. I do what some people may call "noobing" and buy boots with jugger right from start. Most people dont have boots early game. And boots + Blade fury can quickly turn into firstblood. But thats just another quirk:)

You need to learn the mechanics you only get critts in the ulti if you got high enought attackspeed to get extra hits between the omnislashes thus with phaseboots (wrong boots you should have pt agi) and Battlefury (wrong item you should have Desolator) you wont have any attackspeed anyway so it wont mather if you go stats isntead of critts early on.

Now Powerthreads agi 38 attackspeed more extra hits in the ulti longer ulti more critts in the ulti critts means damage you get more critts with higher attackspeed thus dealing more damage with pt everyday all day than with phaseboots, desolator gives the enemy negative armor thus making your omnislash deal MORE DAMAGE and your critts to deal more damage.
Only time Battlefury is good is if you plan to go jungle the entire game since its great for creepstacks. And no YOU DO NOT GET MORE FARM WITH BATTLEFURY!!!! you farm with lasthits NOT AUTOATTACKS!!!!!!! bf only pushs the lane making it less safe to farm and less farm for you its a pointless item you get 1-2 mana pots and use them wisely well battlefury is good if you tend to farm with bladefury thus wasting mana like a ******.
Also you skill stats, spin, stats, spin spin, ulti spin this makes you deal 75 damage with the ulti at lvl 5 the stats are bloody awesome for lasthitting early on and also gives you enought mana for ulti+spin
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | October 6, 2012 4:43am
lol yes, I didn't see your second build.
JugOrNot | October 6, 2012 12:52am
Nlsnightmare i know wat u mean, that skill build is if u want to push.
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | October 5, 2012 11:00am
Good guide, although I think that one more point in stats is better than a lvl1 Healing Ward, since the mana cost is too big early game and you want to save all you mana for Blade Fury.
JugOrNot | October 4, 2012 9:21pm
I appreciate the comments. Wilddeonpwn, juggernaut can carry but he needs huge farm and early kills to make that happen. HugiN, ye getting one crit early is probably better in some ways but in my opinion juggernaut needs some early hp and mp to make the magic happen. And you dont need boots for an easy first blade, a slow or stun is more than enough with some team work. :D
hubey | October 4, 2012 9:20pm
Are you really sure about your starting items? Just tangos for regen means to you would rush for RoH, but that means that you buy boots later and therefore are less of a threat with your bladefury (since the enemy will have boots aswell probably).
HugiN | October 4, 2012 8:07am
Hi! Nice guide. But i find myself disagreeing with a few things. I find the crit very useful, (at least one point) at least when you start using Omnislash. I dont see how +4 all stats outweighs a high crit chance. Your guide practiacally makes all the ultis u use up until lvl 13 half as efficient. But thats just me.
Also, I see you focus on spin. I do what some people may call "noobing" and buy boots with jugger right from start. Most people dont have boots early game. And boots + Blade fury can quickly turn into firstblood. But thats just another quirk:)
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