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How to play dota in pub - how to play with my bad mates

September 7, 2012 by Kaazhan
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Muscle Relaxer | September 13, 2012 6:09pm
I don't really care about your view on Russians but the rest of your guide would not work, especially in Pub games. Firstly, a team of 5 carries never works out. EVER. You are destined to lose 95% of the time, especially when 4 Carrie's have been picked. The different types of carries I've seen played in pub games consist of: the feeder, the selfish **** (yells at people who takes his lane/ creep when clearly he missed his last hit), the AFK for 40 minutes farmer who most of the time is talking in CAPS LOCK again yelling about teammates taking his jungle creeps and also for dying in TEAM battles....and the feeder carry. So if 5 carries are picked on a team, you are sure to see any of the mentioned above. Have fun playing with **** teammates who can ACTUALLY understand and talk back at you.

Next thing I would like to point out is your psychological warfare strategy. Currently you are going the wrong way about it. Shouting at people will not make your team play better, but have people wonder why you haven't noticed caps turned on. A true psychological battle requires you to complement your team for doing good, constructively criticise their gameplay (I.e next time save the stun for when he starts running, rather than, STUN THE **** YOU **** NOOB! UNINSTALL DOTA!) and most importantly, psychological warfare is supposed to be used on youropponents, NOT your teammates. The most easiest, no joke, the easiest way to inflict psychological damage to your opponents is to ward the map. For a mere 200 gold, you can set up ganks, spot runes, notice enemy ganks, spot Roshan and give vision to you and your team. By having wards down, you can easily scar them psychologically. By always knowing where the enemy is, technically you are a major advantage (think of it as playing with no fog of war). Now you can gank them and cause them either to play safe, which gives you free farm, or if you are going against a stupid team, then that means more kills for you. That's how you play a psychological warfare. But then again, a team with no wards, no gankers and no supports, they'll be the ones feeling stressed out. Actually **** this, get a pair of wards even if you are a carry. 200 gold can save your sorry *** by spotting a ganks as well as contributing to the team. Sometimes supports cant afford wards cause your taking all their gold in come. Wards = kryptonite for pubgames.

Now for your view on picks. Pub games tend to have a lot of randomers, and thats fine. People want more diversity once in a while. However, if you want to win, picking smartly is a must. First up, look at the enemy picks. If they're going for 5 carries, be sure to grab a strong ganker. Deny them of early game, and it will be extremely hard for them to makes comeback. If the team has nukers, become a tank and draw away their fire. It's just simple tactics which can help you win the game. Next up, TALK TO YOUR TEAM about picks. No point in making the same mistake of picking 5 carries. A simple 2 hero combo can cause devastating effects to the enemy team already (I.e. Wisp +tiny) combo. Think of the team fights. How are you going to enter the battle? How are you going to KILL them? You can't just right-click a hero to death in all situations. Crowd control is a must, as well as disables. Which means picking supports/disablers is a must have in any team. A tidehunter ravage can easily turn a battle around, or ensure a instant team wipe (although after the Internationals 2, there are a lot of Dendi's Rubick running around looking for the glorious ravage steal). So combos are an excellent way to ensure a kill and ultimately win a battle. And I've only just covered the tip of this.iceberg when taking about picks. There's counter hero picking (I.e. Picking enemy heroes weaknesses Obsidian destroyer against Anti mage), there's a pushing build (your team consists of strong pushers), tri lane picks etc. With decent communication between team mates, you can be playing a pubgame like a professional tournament game.

So ths is my view on how to survive, *scratch that* how to WIN a pub game. By picking strategically, warding and communicating with your team (even if they are Russian), there is a very high chance you can win. I've done my time with Russians on the team, and I found that this strategy works. They may not be as quick to react to situations, but as long as you help assist rather than flame them then you can have an enjoyable game at least. A ping or two and they'll be able to figure out what you want them to do. That is all.
Wulfstan (77) | September 10, 2012 1:20am
- chaos night

Ever played Time Fcuk?
Kaazhan | September 9, 2012 11:03am
MaNaRz wrote:

now lets imagine everyone would follow this guide... what would we get? teams full of hardcarries and 0 teamplay. if you are skilled you can easily win lowlvl skill games with good supporting. in highlvl games i do see alot of really great teamplay even when im playing soloqueue and having russians in my team is fine then too.
IMO such an attitude is really bad for dota. where is the problem to lose a game when u did a great job? hardcarry was failing? so what? u dont get anything out of wins anyway. my advice: use public games as practice to improve your skill and not only to win but still staying a noob. if you want real dota join a clan and play together. then you should care winning or losing.

failing a game because you got a morphling in your team who plays full str is a bit annoying. And don't say, oh please don't say that teamplay is possible with russians who often don't speak english.
MaNaRz | September 9, 2012 3:57am
now lets imagine everyone would follow this guide... what would we get? teams full of hardcarries and 0 teamplay. if you are skilled you can easily win lowlvl skill games with good supporting. in highlvl games i do see alot of really great teamplay even when im playing soloqueue and having russians in my team is fine then too.
IMO such an attitude is really bad for dota. where is the problem to lose a game when u did a great job? hardcarry was failing? so what? u dont get anything out of wins anyway. my advice: use public games as practice to improve your skill and not only to win but still staying a noob. if you want real dota join a clan and play together. then you should care winning or losing.
Kaazhan | September 8, 2012 8:57am
to cossec

i'm quite agree, but when you got 4 russians in your game, you can't do anything without a hard carry. the'll deal no damages, and you'll support void (not the hero). if you are with peoples who seem a ittle bit skilled, take the best choice for your team.

but never take a support when you are with russians !
SuperNova (16) | September 8, 2012 7:36am
Hades4u wrote:

I asked a russian, why they don't play on their own server, he said "because russians are stupid".

It was really ironic, since he had 0/7/2

60% of my lost games where due to russians, i decided to play on europe and american servers, i ended up in a game with russians and i asked' which server is this?' they replied ;dis isz russian saveaer' so you see. when it comes to dota, everywhere is russia. Whenever i complain about them feeding or somehow all dying to one carry an unholy chorus of I **** UR MOM and STOOPAD NEOOB, I **** UR MOM erupt through the chat boxes.
Hades4u (296) | September 7, 2012 7:08am
I asked a russian, why they don't play on their own server, he said "because russians are stupid".

It was really ironic, since he had 0/7/2
Palma | September 7, 2012 6:43am
Agree with russian part.. I just don't get why they won't play on their own server, not on Europe server. There's been so many games where I'm the only non-russian in my team.

Well I guess one does not simply play without russians.
Cossec | September 7, 2012 6:21am
ROFLOL on the russian part.
Russians are welcome in my country if they come for holiday, spend their money and **** our prostitutes, but they are not welcome in our servers!!!

Seriously, I do not agree with your pick advice. Don't play selfish when you have a noob team. You should better to pick the last and make the best choice for a balanced teams. Pick a support is your mates are carries, pick a tank if no one picked one, etc.
Usually you will pick support. Do not cry! Supports are the most useful heroes. You will not have great stats but you will greatly improve teamwork.
Look at pro games. Carries are nothing without a great support.
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