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How to play a mean NightStalker

February 22, 2013 by Chunnnky
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Chunnnky | February 22, 2013 10:24am

I never thought about Yasha on Night Stalker, nice idea. But anyway, if you're going for movement speed and attack speed increasing items why don't you take a Drum of Endurance first? The Drum + Yasha build is pretty common on many carries and semi-carries like Luna, Gyrocopter, Tiny, Shadow Fiend and even Bounty Hunter, it works well.

Also, consider getting a point in Crippling Fear at 2 or 4, as the silence can make the difference when ganking particular Heroes.

The only point I disagree with is the lack of Bottle, I read your explanation but I don't quite like it: I usually get harassed a lot and forced to spam my Void in mid (which is the usual NS lane) and so I always rush it and even bottle crow sometimes, as I rarely get the rune because of my slow movement speed. Talking about runes, they really help in ganking: you're losing a lot of efficience overlooking this item, in my opinion.

I usually got no problem surviving through the day because my starting items has tangoes and a salve, and sometimes even use my void to get last hits, cause I don't really aim for hero kills during the first day time, and If I get a kill I would treat it as a bonus. During the night I don't stay in lane, I usually kill the mid first then proceed to the top or bottom.
I do add crippling fear sometimes when facing heroes like bounty hunter, sandking, ta etc.
About the bottle, it is just a personal preference I don't usually get it, but if you really need it then go ahead and get it different people has different playstyle, this is why dota is an interesting game.

- trying to figure out how to edit the builds so that is list starting item midgame item core item, late game and situational :/
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 22, 2013 9:23am
I never thought about Yasha on Night Stalker, nice idea. But anyway, if you're going for movement speed and attack speed increasing items why don't you take a Drum of Endurance first? The Drum + Yasha build is pretty common on many carries and semi-carries like Luna, Gyrocopter, Tiny, Shadow Fiend and even Bounty Hunter, it works well.

Also, consider getting a point in Crippling Fear at 2 or 4, as the silence can make the difference when ganking particular Heroes.

The only point I disagree with is the lack of Bottle, I read your explanation but I don't quite like it: I usually get harassed a lot and forced to spam my Void in mid (which is the usual NS lane) and so I always rush it and even bottle crow sometimes, as I rarely get the rune because of my slow movement speed. Talking about runes, they really help in ganking: you're losing a lot of efficience overlooking this item, in my opinion.
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