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8 Votes

How to Meepwn

May 28, 2013 by DecapiTayTay
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Obikas | December 30, 2014 1:24pm
Really well written, went 22-4-13 with this guide
DecapiTayTay | May 28, 2013 8:16am
Mirror wrote:

Why do you finish heart? You get HoT for the regen not the stats. For stats you could leave it as reaver or a Skati since the stats would be shared.

However it looks like you have had great success with heart and keep up the good work!


Thanks for the comment. While +40 strength is the main reason I finish Heart, there are some other reasons as well. I have occasionally bought a Reaver, and then filled up on Ogre Clubs. But since I have 6 slots, 4 are reserved: boots, vlad's, scepter and reaver (which I turn into heart).

Alternatives for the +40 strength (at least):

-heart (5500g)
-2 reavers (6400g)
-reaver and 2 ogre clubs (5200g)
-reaver and 2 ultimate orbs (7600g)
-reaver and skadi (7950g)

Finishing heart allows for 2 situational items. The cheapest alternative doens't even allow you to get Aegis, which I take almost every game I play with Meepo (unless there's a hard carry who is doing complete work). Getting 2 reavers means you have to save 3200g up TWICE, which can be difficult, even for a good Meepo. Finishing heart allows you to carry Blink Dagger in the other situational slot.

Even with the extra bonuses in agility from ultimate orbs or skadi, the +40 strength with 2 situational slots is more efficient than +50 strength with one situational slot (and spending an extra 2450g).

However, I will experiment with this to see if its feasible to do this when the game isn't already won.

DecapiTayTay | May 28, 2013 7:55am
superlot wrote:

Just another one issues with me playin meepo.

About how you set up the group controls.
I always did that too but the problem is when you had one of your clones going back
cause of low health then you cant use group cotrol anymore right?

So in a team fight you probably cannot maximise your ability to play meepo
or I need to practice not using group control and use "TAB" just when that meepo
is going back to base.

That is correct, thanks for the comment.

I left that part out and I'll put it in momentarily. When I send one of my Meepos back, if it is a clone, then I create a control group 3 for the clones still in battle. With that, I control my main Meepo (space) and the clones (2 or 3), and never the whole group. It may be slightly inefficient, but with some micro skills it is more efficient than setting up 2 different control groups in the midst of battle.

If the main Meepo leaves, then I don't change anything.

Thanks for the input!
Mirror (22) | May 26, 2013 6:14pm
Why do you finish heart? You get HoT for the regen not the stats. For stats you could leave it as reaver or a Skati since the stats would be shared.

However it looks like you have had great success with heart and keep up the good work!

superlot (1) | May 26, 2013 3:59pm
Just another one issues with me playin meepo.

About how you set up the group controls.
I always did that too but the problem is when you had one of your clones going back
cause of low health then you cant use group cotrol anymore right?

So in a team fight you probably cannot maximise your ability to play meepo
or I need to practice not using group control and use "TAB" just when that meepo
is going back to base.
DecapiTayTay | May 9, 2013 2:45pm
Thanks! I agree with you Meepo is so fun. I will definitely take your feedback and use it in my guide. I like Blink Dagger as a core item, but for beginning Meepo players I think it shouldn't be part of the core build, only because it is difficult to use until the control groups are mastered. And thanks for reminding me about Boots of Travel I completely forgot about those. Thanks for all of your input!

kindleep (1) | May 9, 2013 12:58pm
Meepo isn't the stupidest hero in dota and imo one of the funniest and if played well one of the best heroes in dota. He can completely change the game. This is a very solid guide and I would only add a few things. You should put Travel boots in situational(life saver and you can annoy the **** of every1) and blink dagger as a must have after the "Ah scept--hey, who are you?", hard to mastery but very fun when u do. On the foes section, you should add the Centaur...

+1 for you my friend as far one of the best I´ve seen here congratz! :)

And another important thing to do... In the end if u did very well, just say "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepo" and see ppl crying about the 10x5 or OP meepo!

chiefsosa | May 8, 2013 2:55pm
Meepo might be the stupidest hero in dota but this dude right here made him seem easy and fun !! good stuff decapitaytay on this guide !!!
bnd14inches | May 8, 2013 7:38am
yo this guide makes me want to play meepo. hes really confusing but this guide cleared alot up
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