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34 Votes

How to Live a Balanced DotA Life

July 2, 2014 by NinjaMovesPro
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OmniMultiverse | January 7, 2018 8:52pm
Thank you for these advises!
Anything that will excess the tolerable limit is very dangerous and critical at some point!
We need balance or equilibrium!
As this Universe is balancing itself, matter and energy, so we must!
May the Holy Almighty One bless us all always!
"Always Be Happy and Always Be Holy" !!!
ci3l | November 26, 2014 8:37pm
Actually i'm an over-addicted DOTA 2 player lol because i was started to play dota 2 1 week ago... So i have to balance my life and DOTA 2 with your precious guide OP! :)
Fedorable (23) | September 15, 2014 3:49pm
Good Guide! +1 I'm going to hit the gym now
This_name_is_taken | April 23, 2014 6:12am
4. You relate people's appearances with DotA characters. You call guys with sharp teeth, Gondar. You call black friends, Nevermore. You call ugly fat guys, pudge.

Best line of this entire article! Awesomely wrote though!

+1 from me!
Gambit306 (1) | March 26, 2014 5:50am
Worst! You search for their nude pics.

Rofl, great guide :D
HarisRestu | January 19, 2014 6:57pm
Looks like I need to stop dota and get some life
badaxxx | January 14, 2014 3:36am
Dont forget not to eat or drinking while playing dota.....

can makes you choke and or wet pants (because of falling drink to the table.... the water run through the keyboard and thanks to gravity finaly drop to your pants and clothes) makes you embaressed.... hahahaha

play responsibly

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NinjaMovesPro (7) | January 13, 2014 1:40am
Guide improved.
CowOnCrack | January 4, 2013 3:03am
Asian as ****.

Seriously though, if you don't look after your health now, you are going to deeply regret it later. I know I did. Never compromise on your sleep, never compromise on your diet, never compromise on being active. Trust me when I say you aren't going to enjoy spending the prime years of your life in pain and dying 50 years before your parents do / did.

Of course, many of you still will, because video games hijack your feeble brains. You are powerless before them. Get out now before it's too late.

nryn wrote:

However unlike some listed symptoms, I can still have a grasp of Dota and real life. It's just that....

SCRUBDESTROYER (1) | December 27, 2012 1:23pm
You helped me, tx (:
nryn (1) | December 22, 2012 12:36am
Except, that I can't seem to escape Dota 2 when I start to get tired. Like after 4-5 games, I just seem to want more. I just notice I overplayed when someone or something stops me.

I even played 28 hours straight w/o rest. I get addicted to stuff easily not just dota 2, especially now valve introduced cosmetics and cosmetics farming. It seems like an MMORPG.
It also affects my performance in-game.


However unlike some listed symptoms, I can still have a grasp of Dota and real life. It's just that, while I'm playing, all I can think of atm is Dota until someone snaps me back to reality.
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