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7 Votes

How to Jungle - The Facts

May 22, 2014 by Sando
Comments: 5    |    Views: 17586    |   

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connor4893 (2) | August 4, 2014 5:06pm
You should go watch the youtube video by XVRoguegaming addressing jungling. He covers all this stuff, but better.
JasChe_XXIV (2) | June 6, 2014 6:12am
wow. those are some numbers...
anyway, a +1 has been delivered to your guide, it'll help me make my Jungle Batrider chapter, So I'll Bookmark.
Wish I could help you in anyway.
Sando (118) | May 22, 2014 2:47pm
Haha glad to help..

And please do pick apart the maths, there's various things in there I'm not 100% sure of :)

The PRNG thing on the shield is weird...shirley it should balance out to the original figure??

And you want to know the secret sauce of the Combined Rating? IMPOSSIBLE, I WILL TAKE IT TO MY GRAVE...erm it's definitely not ((XP/EHP + Gold/EHP)/2)/Damage. Try something else. I tried fiddling the damage values first to see if I could balance the formula out better, but tbh it worked out reasonably well overall in terms of risk/reward.

Do you think the creep maths makes sense too? Obviously I can't do a time thing cos you don't know how long it will take each hero to kill them, so I fell back on working out their %HP and %Dam, and then suggesting based on their relative sizes. It's kinda weird, I thought taking out the smaller ones first would be better (some auras aside), cut the numbers quickly, reduce the damage output - but it turns out the bigger ones do so much more damage this isn't really the case, except maybe with the Wildwings.

Still need to talk about Ogre Camps, focusing on each creep in turn and some other stuff. Just wanted to make sure the basic premise is right first!?
Xyrus (104) | May 22, 2014 2:29pm
Nice Guide as usual, +1

Now to pick apart your DOTA Math >8{D
Sando wrote:

First of all, the Stout Shield is an incredibly important item for any jungler who needs to tank damage. It has a 60% chance of activating when you're hit, and reduces the incoming damage by 20 if it does. This averages out to a reduction of 12 per hit.

Actually, thanks to Pseudo Random Distribution, it's more like a 53% to Block for an average of 10.6 Damage Block

Also, how did you arrive at the "Combined Rating" values? I know it's some sort of average between EHP/Exp, EHP/Gold and some sort of value based on Average Damage and EHP...I must know! D{8
SoloBrow | May 22, 2014 11:49am
I swear people on DotaFire read my mind. I was just thinking "I really wish i knew which jungle creeps to attack first" and BAM! it happens! Love the give, easy +1.
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