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126 Votes

How To: Ja'rakal, the Troll Warlord

November 15, 2013 by xCO2
Comments: 81    |    Views: 1003090    |   

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Carry Orientated

DotA2 Hero: Troll Warlord

Hero Skills

Battle Stance (Innate)

Whirling Axes (Ranged)

1 12 13 14

Whirling Axes (Melee)

1 12 13 14


2 3 5 7

Berserker's Rage

4 8 9 10

Battle Trance

6 11 16


15 17 18

How To: Ja'rakal, the Troll Warlord

November 15, 2013


When the Sentinel (Radiant) first gathered their forces, The Troll Warriors were considered primitive and unreliable. Their pride wounded, many refused to join, some even considering siding with the Scourge (Dire). Only a hotheaded young Warlord called Jah'rakal joined the Sentinel (Radiant). Known as "Blinding Axe" in troll tongue, both for the blinding speed of his axes and his trademark blind technique, his unstoppable rampages have already made him a legend among his allies. However Jah'rakal fights not for the Sentinel (Radiant), or even to defend the Ancients, but to show Elves, Men, Orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world.

The Troll Warlord is the definition of an auto-attacker. He is able to choose to attack from a distance or up close, where he becomes an enraged hulk. He capitalizes on attack speed, being able to strike and move quickly, as well as enhance his allies to do the same. The strength of Jah'rakal is his tunnel vision, where others fall, he gains by focusing single targets. He is Ja'rakal, the Troll; a true warlord.



YELLOW - Good, go for it.
ORANGE - Situational, a maybe.
RED - Bad, generally a stay away.
GREY - Is titled accordingly.

PURP - Q, your first ability.
LIME - W, your second ability.
BLUE - E, your third ability.
PINK - R, your ultimate.
The below content is appropriately color coded to the above key. All of the following information, with the exception of the actual [ RUNES ] or the [ PLEASE READ ], initially correspond with their description accordingly. If something is not understood fully regarding the color code, please comment with your question / issue.



Troll Warlord: CARRY

Ja'rakal is a pure DPS focused CARRY; He has only but a single cast that deals significant direct damage, every other skill accents him to increased attack speed. Just like his role, his items are tunnel visioned, he is very fairly inflexible in build. Your role as a troll is to completely wipe the competition, every kill possible should be acquired, the team benefits from you being as built as possible.


Assuming you bought your starting equipment as suggested and are wondering what to do now, you might want to consider your lane or jungle position; for the purpose of this guide you will head to a DUO or TRI lane. Ja'rakal is most compatible in the SAFE lane to have that easily secured farm. You may also SOLO the MID according to picks.



Illusion: DO NOT PICK UP, unless there is no one nearby with a bottle.

Double Damage: This is your rune, PICK IT UP , and use it to successfully nuke whatever you feel like.

Invisibility: PICK IT UP and go gank someone.

Regeneration: SITUATIONAL, for the most part you will pick this up if no one needs it anymore than you do.

Haste: SITUATIONAL, for the most part you will pick this up if no one needs it anymore than you do.



This is a section that is not in any other guide I currently have written. This section is exclusively for Troll Warlord due to special mechanics with his first ability "Berserker Rage". The ability allows him to switch between ranged and melee; to effectively understand the reasoning behind this guide's skill set and item build you must first read another guide of mine: Melee VS. Ranged


This is a special mechanic that was in previous versions of DoTA, this does not work in the current DoTA mechanic of Troll Warlord. If you have not read the guide, I strongly urge you to at least scroll down to the item section. The main reason for this is very important, you will take your first skill and activate it BEFORE you purchase your items. You will then re-activate your ability to revert you to ranged. By doing all this you activate the melee effects of your items, allowing you access to the superior abilities of each your items. You will do this every time you purchase a dual-interface item.



Lvl 1: Harass and farm accordingly, play safe and avoid conflict.

Lvl 2: Save your W for casting until next level.

Lvl 3: Save your W, only using in defense or a secured kill.

Lvl 4: If you have not, try to net a kill. Use your W if needed and focus fire.

Lvl 5: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Use your W as a nuke.

Lvl 6: You should now either continue your lane, or commence jungling. Save your R for team fights.


Lvl 1: Harass and farm accordingly, play safe and avoid conflict.

Lvl 2: Save your W for casting until next level.

Lvl 3: Save your W, only using in defense or a secured kill.

Lvl 4: Save your W, only using in defense or a secured kill..

Lvl 5: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Use your W as a slow.

Lvl 6: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Save your R for fights.


Lvl 1: Harass and farm accordingly, play safe and avoid conflict.

Lvl 2: Save your W for casting until next level.

Lvl 3: Save your W, only using in defense or a secured kill.

Lvl 4: Farm constantly, maximize your ability to get gold. Use W in defense of ganks.

Lvl 5: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Use your W as a nuke.

Lvl 6: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Save your R for fights.


Lvl 1: To be written...

Lvl 2: To be written...

Lvl 3: To be written...

Lvl 4: To be written...

Lvl 5: To be written...

Lvl 6: To be written...


Lvl 1: Harass and farm accordingly, play safe and avoid conflict.

Lvl 2: Farm as much as possible, use your W to either escape or net first blood.

Lvl 3: Farm constantly, maximize your ability to get gold. Use W in defense of ganks.

Lvl 4: Farm constantly, maximize your ability to get gold. Use W in defense of ganks.

Lvl 5: Continue to farm and harass your lane. Use your W as a nuke.

Lvl 6: You are now free to farm the what ever. Use your R if there is a fight.


Coming soon...


Trolling with troll?

A proper set of ally heroes for Ja'rakal consist of two major types. The first type of ally that you require is a SUPPORT of course, this is carry allies 101. The second list is populated by any major DISABLER, as you pound on the foe with your well placed auto-attacks.

+ Ancient Apparition - Kaldr
+ Bane - Atropos
+ Crystal Maiden - Rylai
+ Earthshaker - Raigor Stonehoof
+ Lich - Ethreain
+ Demon Witch - Lion
+ Shadow Shaman - Rhasta
+ Windrunner - Lyralei
+ Witch Doctor - Zharvakko
+ Treant Protector - Rooftrellen
+ Batrider - Jin'zakk
+ Butcher - Pudge
+ Enigma - Darchrow

Trollacolypse is surely spelled out for you when facing any of these brutal opponents. Troll is numero uno in stacked fights, but more often then not you'll be countered by simple CC, or heroes that turn your agile moves against you with ON-HIT REACTIVE abilities.

x Ancient Apparition - Kaldr
x Bane - Atropos
x Earthshaker - Raigor Stonehoof
x Nyx Assassin - Anub'arak
x Slayer - Lina
x Demon Witch - Lion
x Shadow Shaman - Rhasta
x Windrunner - Lyralei
x Witch Doctor - Zharvakko
x Slithereen Guard - Slardar
x Spirit Breaker - Barathrum
x Faceless Void - Darkterror
x Axe - Mogul Khan
x Bristleback - Rigwarl
x Centaur Warrunner - Bradwarden
x Spectre - Mercurial
x Timbersaw - Rizzrak
x Stone Giant - Tiny


These guides are somewhat time consuming to produce, and most of them do lack some at the moment, but for the most part I believe they provide enough information to play properly with the given hero. Even though the guide is still UNFINISHED, I still need feedback on how to better it. The item build and such is always up for change, and your opinion is wanted as long as it's not something that smashes the entire guide because you don't like a little detail. Please keep in mind: if you have the time to read this guide and vote on it then you should have a sufficient amount of time to comment what pleased or displeased you.

Please take the time to provide feedback.
What can I change? What areas need improvement? Is the guide visually unappealing?

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