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How to Jah'rakal: The Troll Warlord(Updated for 6.84)

July 18, 2015 by b3du23
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ayush_man | August 13, 2015 4:27am
bhakkk madarchod!
jhuth toh bol mat :P
aditi23 ho tum XD
Jobroaj (2) | July 26, 2015 10:55am
Terathiel wrote:

It is 6.84. You find a game and pick Troll Warlord in order to make a statement. You ignore the pleas of your team begging you to pick Gyrocopter like a meta ******. You declare your intention to play in the solo mid lane. Your starting items are: tangoes. Salve. Ring of protection and three gg branches for value. You stay in ranged form and farm until level 3. You then go to contest the next rune with your axes and your titanic red rage *****. You purchase: phase boots. Helm of the dominator. S n Y in that order. You do not purchase silver edge because you are a man. Trolls do not run. Trolls fight and trolls get a first hit bash. Be certain that you mock the enemy team for their deficiencies as you get another double kill. You now go and farm Roshan and use the security of your new Aegis to take the nearest tower. You finish your Eye of Skadi and your Black King Bar. At this point you can manfight any and all of their carries and are ready to push for the high ground. You close your arsenal with a Satanic and a Daedalus and end the game as 42/0. You take Roshan as their Ancient falls and say 'gg ez'. This is because you are Troll Warlord and you made a statement that Hero still strong.
So next time you are in a game be sure to spread the word. The best Trolls never die.

I miss seeing this guy all the time :(

I used to be that guy until I decided to play other heroes cuz using troll was getting boring,wrecking people,being immortal even against an Ursa,getting hooked by pudge and then killing pudge.One time,I was about to help top then the 4 heroes targeted me and me only,They then soon dealt so much damage and i was like "Welp hands up i guess" i raised my hands next thing i know i got an ultra kill with like 223 health left Crazy game.
Terathiel (49) | July 24, 2015 11:45am
It is 6.84. You find a game and pick Troll Warlord in order to make a statement. You ignore the pleas of your team begging you to pick Gyrocopter like a meta ******. You declare your intention to play in the solo mid lane. Your starting items are: tangoes. Salve. Ring of protection and three gg branches for value. You stay in ranged form and farm until level 3. You then go to contest the next rune with your axes and your titanic red rage *****. You purchase: phase boots. Helm of the dominator. S n Y in that order. You do not purchase silver edge because you are a man. Trolls do not run. Trolls fight and trolls get a first hit bash. Be certain that you mock the enemy team for their deficiencies as you get another double kill. You now go and farm Roshan and use the security of your new Aegis to take the nearest tower. You finish your Eye of Skadi and your Black King Bar. At this point you can manfight any and all of their carries and are ready to push for the high ground. You close your arsenal with a Satanic and a Daedalus and end the game as 42/0. You take Roshan as their Ancient falls and say 'gg ez'. This is because you are Troll Warlord and you made a statement that Hero still strong.
So next time you are in a game be sure to spread the word. The best Trolls never die.

I miss seeing this guy all the time :(
Sgt.HumptyDumpty | July 24, 2015 11:41am
Nice guide!Keep up the good work!
Sgt.HumptyDumpty | July 24, 2015 11:41am
Nice guide!Keep up the good work!
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