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45 Votes

How To: Dragonus, The Skywrath Mage

October 17, 2013 by xCO2
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Zrog (1) | August 5, 2014 9:39am
xCO2 wrote:

I find that using your Ultimate on a single person is a waste, especially if there's more than one of you there to engage the target. You should really be trying to get at least two targets with it and no more than three.

This is false - the damage from Skywrath Mage's Mystic Flare is split amongst heroes under the blast. The enemy WANTS to have multiple people in the area, so that damage is shared and one hero isn't blown up. I've even seen a pro player jump into the blast area to save one teammate!

Also - it's important for new players to know that Mystic Flare does not affect creeps, only heroes.
CrispyBacon1999 | April 16, 2014 3:54am
I have found that a good Skywrath Mage can be used with Legion Commander in a lane together very well. When Legion uses Duel, Skywrath uses Mystic Flare it is an almost guaranteed kill.
dacker13 | February 4, 2014 9:19am
great guid overall. dont play him to much, but still. +1
ShoutyShout13 (2) | December 22, 2013 3:23am
If I recall correctly, Bloodstone only provides mana regeneration IF it has charges. If Skywrath Mage lost all of them, it renders the item useless. It also doesn't give intellegence, which is crucial for Skywrath Mage in the late stages for Arcane Bolt. It is also very expensive. Not worth it. I am a very good Skywrath Mage and I never consider it in the 1st place because of those reason.

For those who is questioning about the Scepter, it is only a situation item. If you desperately need
to ward off heroes or want to secure more kills, then it would be for you. But being a Support hero, you do not need to get large amounts of kills.

I also have one question for the skill build: Why did you decide for Concussive Shot 1st? 110 mana that only deals 50 damage isn't good for harassing. I find Arcane Bolt doing 70-ish damage approx. frequently much more better to harass than doing 50 splash damage that slows. So, I'm kind of on the edge about why Concussive Shot needs to be leveled at Level 1. Can you fill me up on this?

Taking Ancient Seal is actually redundant at such early games. Yes, you need it to complete the combo but a 3 second silence with such low reduction is not severe enough. I would recommend doing:
Arcane Bolt
Concussive Shot
Arcane Bolt
Ancient Seal
Arcane Bolt
Mystic Flare

If you compare this to your skill build, you do not have the power to harass the living daylights out of the hero in the midlane. It also allows Arcane Bolt to be much more stronger early at level 3. Arcane Bolt is more nuky than Concussive Shot, since it can be spammed every 3 seconds, which is what you want. After Mystic Flare, I would've upgraded Ancient Seal TWICE and Concussive Shot once. You need the amplification but you also need extra damage. Concussive Shot been upgraded twice will not sync as well as upgrading Ancient Seal twice for the ultimate combo.
[-] (1) | November 6, 2013 10:47am
May be a stupid question, but why it doesn't seem a good idea to play him with bloodstone

His Nukes are kinda spammable, especially when you already went aghanims and kinda throw your ulti for everty occasion. Besides it gives him a boost in both mana(+reg) and survivability.

It's just an idea, may someone explain me why it doesn't suit Dragonus?

Greetz neM
SqueezeMe | October 24, 2013 4:41am
No Pugna as a foe?
Nether Ward is deadly vs Skywrath his ult.

Good build/guide though will try.
Kodiaka (1) | October 22, 2013 9:51am
What's this? Pugna not in the counter section? To him, you are quintessentially nothing more than a walking nether ward bait. Also, would Scepter be viable on Skywrath as of 6.79?
xCO2 (72) | October 17, 2013 11:45am
Because everyone was having issues with Pugna, here's a quick tip to make food out of him. Blade mail, gives you much needed armor, int, and better last hitting power.
moldychicken | July 23, 2013 5:43pm
extremely great guide. thumbs up well done. although i personally go with arcane bolt first just for harrasing :)
knight96-1994 (2) | July 23, 2013 6:04am
Good guide for now, but the use of colours just makes it difficult to read.
YamataNoOrochi | July 1, 2013 10:58pm
Really well-written guide.
If I may suggest 1 tiny thing, it would be to add Tuskarr to the list of friends. In my personal experience, Ice Shards give the opportunity to perfectly lock 1-3 heroes to set up your ultimate, a lot like Magnus, which, ecspecially in Early and Mid is rather devastating...
Also Tusks ability to initiate with snowball and finish with his ult synergize really well for that purpose, ecspecially in pubbies.
(Pit Lord and DS work well for that purpose too on a note, but one lacks the ability to hold them in position and 1 lacks the ability to crowd them)
-Col- | May 18, 2013 4:07pm
xCO2 wrote:

If you go mid, please don't use the recommended Bloodstone. If you want a tanky build, Shiva + Atos is all around a better choice, I might make a third build for a Durable-Int orientation.

I'd be really interested in seeing that tankier build. I really like using Rod of Atos on him, and later game getting Shiva... But I'm always unsure of how to progress with my items overall and what else I should be getting. :/

So yeah, if you could put up your ideas for the build I'd really appreciate it.

EDIT: Also, I feel like you might want to add Eul's Scepter of Divinity as a situational item. If your team is behind in gold, or you just need a rather cheap but cost effective item in general, Eul's works out pretty well. Gives you some Int, more movement speed, extra mana regeneration AND a useful active ability.
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