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5 Votes

How to dominate the game as Weaver

July 30, 2012 by Mukl
Comments: 4    |    Views: 9285    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm


1 3 5 7

Geminate Attack

2 4 8 10

Time Lapse

6 11 16


9 12 13 14 15 17 18

How to dominate the game as Weaver

July 30, 2012


In my opinion, having a weaver on the enemy team is like having your face skinned with a fish knife: they are an absolute pain in the backside (as you have probably already guessed i don't like fish). Anyway... back to the point... Weaver is a strong hero who relies on his normal (ranged) attacks to deal the majority of his damage. This is why it is important to get damage increasing items so that your primary source of damage deals high outputs.

Pros and Cons


- Great escape mechanism(s)
- Fast mover -> excells in chases
- Fast attack speed due to geminite attack
- Confusing to play against
- simple to learn and understand


- Squishy earlygame
- Item dependant
- stuns can be fatal

Early game

It is important to only buy what you need with your 603 starter gold. this is why i reccomend not spending it all and only buying 2 tangoes (if no-one purchases a courier then i think you should do the team a favour and get one). The first thing you want to get are power treads. the damage, strength and movement speed are vital to weaver, so he can catch up with chases and increase his damage outputs. As gameplay goes, weaver is better off on the bottom / top lanes, as a friend who can stun or has a high DPS proves vital towards weaver. as the enemy runs, weaver can catch up with them and deal the finishing hit, which could mean first blood - a great headstart to weaver dominating the game.

Mid game

By now, hopefully you should be the annoying little weaver of the team milling around, apearing, dealing high damage and then disapearing, and reapearing again, taking damage and avoiding it with your ultimate and constantly dealing your damage. it is important not to level your first attack (The Swarm) as it isnt very helpful and is a waste of mana. use the levels on skills to make leveling more productive. By this stage in the game you should be all over the map, killing enemies where they need killing. do not stay in a lane and continue farming and don't go jungling, just attempt to gank lone enemies. In terms of items, do NOT follow the item build every match, just buy what seems right for the situation that you are in... dont buy items when you don't need them.


As weaver, you cannot combo like nukers, but what you can do, (if you have high mana regen with a voidstone or perseverance) is attack people, go invisible, walk through them and go ahead of them and then attack them again. with geminite attack these small bursts of damage when you reappear will deal twice the damage, so dont be too shy with your attacks. a useful tip (to get out of situations faster and take less damage) is not to attack or otherwise make yourself visible during the duration of your invisibility. this is because the cooldown for 'w' is 6 seconds, and the invisibility lasts for 4 seconds, leaving in practice a 2 second cooldown. this means that if you become visible, say after 2 seconds, then the cooldown instead of being 2 seconds would become 4 seconds. that means 4 seconds sitting in open fire - not something you want to happen.

Friends and Foes

As always, support heroes are great, but particularly good are shadow shamen and heroes with stunning abilities in general, such as bane, skeleton king, siren and ogre magi. these will freeze the enemies allowing you to deal damage to them, if not then you will be able to snag a last hit and get the kill with your geminite attack. As enemies go, heroes with stunning abilities are a pain until you get your linkens, which is always a good idea if the enemy have stunners on their team. this allows you go dodge the stun, go invisible and run away in sticky situations. that means, skeleton king, sand king, siren, earthshaker and other stunners too are a pain to deal with. Enemy frieds: if the team have nukers, then that is GOOD! people like an enemy lina are great fun to be aganist, and weaver is a nukers WORST nightmare. why is this? because lina, for example, casts all 3 of her damaging spells on you, within a couple of seconds. you think 'meh' and press 'r'. BAM you go back to where you were 5 seconds ago with full health and mana, leaving lina with half mana, some cooldowns and an unhappy face. this gives you the opportunity to strike upon her and kill her without her being able to do a thing.


Overall weaver is a great hero who is effective against nukers, has a high first blood potentiel and has the power to catch enemies offguard with his invisibility. weaver catches up in chases with his extra movement speed, and with powertreads and and a Daedalus he packs a punch. unfortunatly, he is a little squishy earlygame, but his amazing escape mechanism(s) allow him to turn a tricky situation into his favour... he is my favourite hero at the moment, and i hope with this guide that you will enjoy playing him asmuch as i do!

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