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21 Votes

How to Counter Invisible Heroes

November 21, 2013 by Sando
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fugit13 | October 19, 2015 6:41pm
Thanks Sando,

I have only been playing a couple days, I knew about the wards but after playing a match riki and bounty hunter I hit the internets to find other solutions.

Great post clear and well written.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 12, 2014 10:32am
Quick Note:

If Silencer used Last Word on someone, and he turned invisible, the blue ring is still following that hero. That can be included as some possibility of detection.
Hermanelig | April 4, 2014 5:09am
dynasty987 wrote:

You forget to mention that diffusal blade purges dust/track/amplify damage, so they are not reliable vs riki/phantom lancer/mirana

Mantastyles Mirror Image does as well and is not that uncommon (at least on riki)
dynasty987 (6) | November 30, 2013 11:22am
You forget to mention that diffusal blade purges dust/track/amplify damage, so they are not reliable vs riki/phantom lancer/mirana
Xyrus (104) | November 21, 2013 3:56pm
shroy wrote:

i dont think clinkz using ult on necro creep is good as u take some considerable pure damage and clinkz is already a bit squishy

That is assuming that Eating a Necro Warrior deals damage, I know that the old method for getting rid of them was using Hand of Midas on them and I doubt that caused the Pure Daamge to Proc either.
shroy | November 21, 2013 9:44am
i dont think clinkz using ult on necro creep is good as u take some considerable pure damage and clinkz is already a bit squishy
T1mmay (6) | November 21, 2013 8:40am
Can Clinkz use his ultimate on the necro 3 creep? If he can, it kind of sucks attempting to use that to detect him.

Also, Silencer is a great counter to Riki as his ultimate prevents riki's ultimate from working, so maybe worth a mention?

Finally, Sand King might not be in the middle of his sandstorm, he can be force staffed away and continue channeling, or an ally Pudge can hook him away :p
Twodee (4) | April 5, 2013 8:46am
Why is there no mention anywhere about Zeus? He is an extremely underrated hero when it comes to countering heroes that rely heavily on invis spells / items. Also, great at countering wards if you understand how to use your W on creeps in the jungle / pull aggro from creep in lane pull to a rune W creep then lasthit ward.
SuperNova (16) | January 11, 2013 11:44pm
xCO2 wrote:


There's no need to ruin things for the new users. Just because he knows this information doesn't mean everyone does.

Its Quit. 'Quit being a downer' That is what you meant to say right?

Quit as in RageQuit
Sando (118) | January 11, 2013 2:32am
Thanks guys - and yes, from what I see sometimes in pubs, players do need telling or reminding on how to counter invisible heroes. Tried to write enough in there that it'll explain a lot to new players, while also including some detail for the intermediates. I used to think "just buy dust" when faced with any invisible hero - but sometimes a more tailored approach is required.
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