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I have only been playing a couple days, I knew about the wards but after playing a match riki and bounty hunter I hit the internets to find other solutions.
Great post clear and well written.
You forget to mention that diffusal blade purges dust/track/amplify damage, so they are not reliable vs riki/phantom lancer/mirana
Mantastyles Mirror Image does as well and is not that uncommon (at least on riki)
i dont think clinkz using ult on necro creep is good as u take some considerable pure damage and clinkz is already a bit squishy
That is assuming that Eating a Necro Warrior deals damage, I know that the old method for getting rid of them was using
There's no need to ruin things for the new users. Just because he knows this information doesn't mean everyone does.
Its Quit. 'Quit being a downer' That is what you meant to say right?
Quit as in RageQuit