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How to build Tusk as an annoying shit

February 13, 2013 by rocky
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So I hear you like hitting for over 2000 dmg?

DotA2 Hero: Tusk

Hero Skills

Bitter Chill (Innate)

Ice Shards

2 3 5 7


1 4 8 9

Tag Team

10 12 13 14

Walrus Punch

6 11 16


15 17 18

How to build Tusk as an annoying shit

February 13, 2013

Bounty hunter Tusk

Critical hits in D2 function differently to crits in D1 as your entire damage pool is multiplied by the crit multiplier level. The result is balanced enough on Gondar and Kunkka.. but on Tusk with his ultimate it is a completely different story. The shadow blade bonus damage and the Divine Rapier damage multiply WALRUS PUNCH to do a ridiculous amount of damage to an individual target. It's probably going to get nerfed.

In order for this to work, Tusk requires a safe lane where he can farm with a dedicated support like a carry.

When you reach your shadow blade and ult focus on early, burst attack ganks on squishy enemies and farm whenever possible. (When you reach shadowblade you should be hitting for a minimal of 700 damage at least) To do this, activate your ultimate, shadow walk and then punch some idiot whilst trapping him inbetween you and your iceshards so he can't escape.

Extensional / Situational items

Desolator damage output is excellent in conjunction with tusks ulti but the armor reduction is what makes it shine. In combination with medallion, your physical attacks will do ridiculous damage

Battle fury is an amazing item because it allows your ulti to be used as a cleave attack

Abyssal blade is great because of the raw damage and the active stun.


Yes this is a silly guide and doesn't explain the nature of Tusk's skills or how to use them. Please refer to another guide to learn how to play him.

Tuskar is usually played as a support but with farm he can be played as a pretty strong semi carry. This is a fun orientated build that should only be used in pubs. Your friends will either hate you or love you for it depending on whether or not you can pull off the farming for it to work. Successfully pulling off this item build will result in you getting laid by your entire team while the opposite side squeals in rage.

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