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How to be an A-hole in pubs (shorts)

August 21, 2015 by GGnet.Ace
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mightycookie (5) | January 18, 2013 8:03am
i have been playing some games with bounty and i have found that Bottle is extremely good on him, especially when you get haste or dd. with dd, you know that your attack is going to crit, so the damage you get is insane. it's really good, and cheapest option to solve his mana issues. also, with bottle, you never have to go back to base again
xCO2 (72) | January 18, 2013 6:21am
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Because with battle fury you will be tempted to farm.And you wont give your team track kills.
And it gives you no survivability at all.No mana capacity.It gives you only damage.With the same gold, for damage get desolator that works even greater with your passive.Or get drums and the items of bkb which gives you mobility survivability and mana pool.I ve never seen battle fury in pro games.

BattleFury gives you HP and Mana regen...and not building an item because you'd be tempted to use it isn't a build flaw, that'd be you not being a team player. It synergizes really well with attack boost from breaking invisibility, and the time you're roaming while invisible.
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 18, 2013 6:17am
ex... wrote:

That is exactly why you should put two levels on your shuriken toss. For 25 extra manna you get 100% bonus damage onlevel 2 comparing to level 1. Then you don't need two tosses but just one to do the job and you are left with some manna for shadow walk or track.
Also why would you fuss about Battlefury? It is fairly cheap(4350), gives you much needed manna and health regen; 65 damage and cleave synergise with your passive. Plus it lets you farm all the expensive items you have on your list or push the line if needed.
Put the skill build and some standard links pls.

Because with battle fury you will be tempted to farm.And you wont give your team track kills.
And it gives you no survivability at all.No mana capacity.It gives you only damage.With the same gold, for damage get desolator that works even greater with your passive.Or get drums and the items of bkb which gives you mobility survivability and mana pool.I ve never seen battle fury in pro games.
ex... | January 18, 2013 4:54am
That is exactly why you should put two levels on your shuriken toss. For 25 extra manna you get 100% bonus damage onlevel 2 comparing to level 1. Then you don't need two tosses but just one to do the job and you are left with some manna for shadow walk or track.
Also why would you fuss about Battlefury? It is fairly cheap(4350), gives you much needed manna and health regen; 65 damage and cleave synergise with your passive. Plus it lets you farm all the expensive items you have on your list or push the line if needed.
Put the skill build and some standard links pls.
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 18, 2013 3:20am
I ve clearly explained that since you are in the hardlane its better to max jinada since your mana pool and regen doesnt allow you to use more than 2 times shuriken toss
xCO2 (72) | January 17, 2013 10:55pm
Why not just split build 1 and 2 up? You have the option to make multiple builds using tabs...
OneHalf (10) | January 17, 2013 1:38pm
cheeserinoo wrote:

Maxing Jinada first is horrible and is more of a farming build, which it sounds like you don't like.

People do it if they aren't building regen items (Medallion, Bottle, Aquila, Perseverance) and it's good for harassing the enemy out the lane or atleast having them ease up.
cheeserinoo | January 17, 2013 12:37pm
The Jinada max is rather unorthodox. The +100dmg from lvl 1 to lvl 2 on shuriken toss is usually worth it, though upgrading further doesnt scale as well. Two levels in shadow walk sets the cooldown shorter than the duration, letting you stay invisible. Those two are pretty standard with BH. Maxing Jinada first is horrible and is more of a farming build, which it sounds like you don't like. If anything you should max shadow walk since it doesnt increase in mana cost and gives +30 dmg each level. You would need at least 120dmg for the %25 percent increases of jinada to give you that.
mightycookie (5) | January 17, 2013 9:31am
you forgto your skill build. also, even though you are the hard lane, you should max shuriken by level 8. thats my build, i put 1 into shadow walk, then 1 in jinada then one more in shadow walk then max shrunken.
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