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Intro:This is a guide to be a Good Razor player.To be awesome,you must have complete item build(top)So when you have all this items,You will be Beyond Godlike+Rampage in no time
When you start the game,Go buy your items and then proceed to mid.Try to max Plasma field then static link because when you get your ultimate,You can gank better.You should have power treads,Blade mail and Vanguard already
Since you have all those 3 items,You are tank/carry.Since you have the 3 buy scepter not only you can destroy building but also faster rape against your foes.Then buy BKB(black king bar)and desolator
All carries are strong in late so have all the items you have.Your Objective is to rape all your enemies until your team destroy the ancient
This is how to defeat all your enemies in team fight
-Pop your ultimate
-Static link a carry or the highest damage
-pop plasma field
-if any hero tries to kill you pop blade mail
-if you have trouble against lot of magic heroes use Black king bar
-then repeat the everything until you kill them all(or you dead)
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