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126 Votes

How to be a Pro

June 30, 2014 by NinjaMovesPro
Comments: 47    |    Views: 547238    |   

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Newblisim | November 20, 2017 2:41am
Thank you for this guide.It really helped me a lot. Im a noob that is been playing dota 2 for one month but i have a friend that is so godlike in dota 2. I will heed your guide and try my best to surpass my friend and become a good dota 2 player.

Steam acc name: Newblisim
Feel free to add me if your interested to guide me more.
AV.Havoc | August 21, 2015 1:13pm
Great read. I will not consider myself a professional or perfect at Dota because there is always room to improve. I've learned from this to stay calm and think ahead. I usually over extend, get to greedy in team fights (especially with a Lion - blink dagger to finger of death on a squishy CM) and always underestimate my opponents ability to turn the game. I appreciate this.
masaaki14 (11) | June 13, 2015 4:51pm
keep playing and winning, eventually you will get to the level where you find it interesting. My mmr is still damn low at 1.9k, but i've been playing pub for so long, and it feels like my pub games are much harder than my ranked matches now. i even have the occasional game labelled as "high level" in dotabuff, when i play pub, which has never occurred yet in ranked.
jadelays | June 13, 2015 4:17pm
Hey! How can I play against better players when playing solo? I feel that it is a good idea but how do I find players that a better when playing pub? Any advice or suggestions? :D
ScareCrow | September 2, 2014 2:03am
Thanks Bro...Good read...Im gonna try viewing my own game from now
g00dwaters | July 25, 2014 12:08pm
i read through everything...

trust me i don't read a lot but i read everything.

that means tons!! hahaha

good job especially with the quotes. i didn't know socrates played dota. hahaha
Megadeaf | June 4, 2014 3:46am
This is a really good guide, but personally I dont like the pro - noob differences.
Bc I think there is more between it.
When I looked at the pros thoughts I realised that I mostly think like him. But I wouldnt consider myself to be a pro. Maybe call it like: Newbie, average, good, pro?
NinjaMovesPro (7) | January 13, 2014 1:39am
Guide unarchieved.
Ancient Hero (17) | July 11, 2013 3:18am
Wow...this is a pretty good necro lol
Yasutsuna (51) | July 11, 2013 3:04am
Ahha! Now I found a soul that says Bottle-Crow is not a good option!

Anyway, good job!

I like the anime point XD!
Raidhyn (4) | September 2, 2012 10:16am
This is brilliant. Trolls and haters are the only reason this isn't at 100%.
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