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30 Votes

How to be a Great DotA Team Captain

July 3, 2014 by NinjaMovesPro
Comments: 16    |    Views: 87334    |   

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S-Kara | May 26, 2016 2:21am
I think it'll help me a lot in real life too lol
I usually find lots of motivation books, strategy, but it's kinda fun to learn because we're talking in dota language XD
S-Kara | May 26, 2016 2:22am
this guide is so old, eh :D
NinjaMovesPro (7) | January 13, 2014 1:40am
Guide improved.
Irasian (2) | June 24, 2013 9:55pm
Great guide, it kinda makes me want to start my own team.
ReevoH | February 27, 2013 7:19am
Great guide ninja. +1
Kruggles | February 14, 2013 1:00pm
Just reading this makes me want to start working towards that type of play. It is a very inspiring guide. Definately + 1.
Kenou | February 14, 2013 12:33pm
I have a team of 3 people, other 2 are usually pugs. It gets frustrating looking at a loss, after you had the lead and failed to close / sloppy play while the other team gathers their barings. As the more experinced Moba player out of the 3, I take it as a personal failure. These are some great self analysis tips that will hopefully help refine our gameplay / team work. I think an analysis of heros and my teams play styles will go a long way. Thanks!
NaturalElements | January 27, 2013 2:24am
This is very good.As a captain ill say this will be very helpful for the other captains.
But for teampick You need atleast a good stunner like tidehunter.2 gankers and 2 support that's it.
Mirror (22) | December 28, 2012 11:37am
This is amazing, this inspired me to rally me 4 close friends into a dota team +1
OneHalf (10) | December 2, 2012 8:24pm
Really nicely written; good guide, Looks like you put a ton of effort into it. Not too sure about the 'Imba' part but whatever :)
Tongy | November 30, 2012 8:35pm
Why is this only ranked 3/5? It's actually detailed and well written.
Laudes (1) | November 23, 2012 5:03pm
SO MUCH TEXT! Wow... good one...
KWinship | November 23, 2012 3:05pm
Very well done and well worded, all these different guides addressing different subjects are really good. I can tell you put a lot of time into them to make them not only good, but the best. +1
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