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2 Votes

How to Armlet Toggle

August 27, 2013 by TheMonthlyGuy
Comments: 0    |    Views: 53559    |   

What is Armlet.

Armlet of Mordiggian is commonly referred to Armlet.

When Activated, Armlet of Mordiggian would give you the following bonuses

Unholy Strength
Gives +31 damage, +10 attack speed, and +25 strength while active, but drains 40 HP per second. You cannot die from the health loss when the bonus strength is gone, or the health drain per second.

This basically means that when you activate it, you get (25*19) mainly because each strength point = 19 hp. Sooo you basically get around 475 health when you open it.

When and what is armlet toggling?

Armlet Toggling is normally used when you are low on hp and need to survive. By switching on the Armlet of Mordiggian, it gives you health to survive a few attacks before regaining some health back.

For example, you are an Ursa with 2 hp. You switch on your Armlet of Mordiggian and have a booming 478 hp which allowed you to take a Powershot to the face.

When you should turn on your Armlet of Modiggian
1. When you need the extra damage and attack speed.
2. When you are in need of some "temporary HP" to survive an autoattack from the tower or hero.
3. Turn it on when you see a nuke coming your way.

When you should not turn on/off your Armlet of Modiggian
1. Do not turn off your Armlet of Mordiggian if you are being attacked by creeps and you have less than 400 hp.
2. Do not turn it on if you do not need the extra damage, attack speed or health at that point in time because the Armlet of Mordiggian would drain tons of hp from your pool.
3. Do not turn it off when you see a spell from a hero heading towards you. This would kill you in a few seconds.

How to Armlet Toggle

Basically, everyone can armlet toggle but it is the timing that would kill tons of people. Firstly, you need to turn it on as an auto attack animation or spell animation is reaching you. That way, you are able to tank the damage for that period of time. I would recommend turning it off and on so you get the 475 hp constantly however, be sure that you time it right when switching it off! You do not want to take damage as your Armlet of Mordiggian is off!

NOTE: Do not toggle the Armlet of Mordiggian too quickly as it has a 2 seconds cooldown. This may result in your downfall if you turn it off too quickly and you receive damage and die because of it.

The way to counter Armlet Toggling

There are only a few ways that you will be countered when you are armlet toggling.

1. Firstly, Doom. The ultimate of Doom Bringer would thrash you as it disables your use of items and you may not be able to switch on your Armlet of Mordiggian

2. Secondly, Heaven's Halbert. Similar to Doom, it disables the use of your items.

3. Thirdly, any form of nukes greater than 475. Some examples are Illuminate, Thundergod's Wrath, Assassinate, Ursa's Overpower (due to the burst of it), [Nether Strike]] and even, Coup de Grace due to the high potential for Phantom Assassin to critical strike. Anyway, you get the idea. Any instance of atleast 476 damage would kill a very low health person who is armlet toggling.

4. Lastly, Stuns. Herp Derp, of course. Once stunned, you have no way to armlet toggle sooo you are dead.

Things to add

Mainly videos and annotated diagrams. If you have any suggestions as to how to change this guide then comment away!


Cheers to all who rated my guide! This is my first generic guide so I'm open to feedback by anyone!

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