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5 Votes

How Not to Throw in Overthrow: A Detailed Guide

June 26, 2015 by Dimonychan
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Bunkansee (32) | September 7, 2015 5:34pm
ChiChi wrote:

That was me seeking a revenge that never happened :)

Whatever you say missy
TheSofa (54) | September 7, 2015 5:31pm
ChiChi (47) | September 7, 2015 5:14pm
That was me seeking a revenge that never happened :)
Bunkansee (32) | September 7, 2015 5:12pm
ChiChi wrote:

Where was this guide when I entered the last in-house and died at the hands of Bunkan who I thought was supposed to be in my team?! :(

Also why is Techies not considered OP?

You quill sprayed me one too many times ;)
ChiChi (47) | September 7, 2015 4:58pm
Where was this guide when I entered the last in-house and died at the hands of Bunkan who I thought was supposed to be in my team?! :(

Also why is Techies not considered OP?
Dimonychan (43) | September 7, 2015 4:55pm
I don't know, I haven't encountered such behavior in custom games. There should be, if this is a popular issue, I think someone messaged Valve already and it's gonna be fixed in 2017.
Hamstertamer (89) | September 7, 2015 4:27pm
Hey guys do you know if there is a way to deal with pause abuse in overthrow? In normal dota if someone pauses at a completely inappropriate moment like during a fight just before someone dies, you simply press F9 and unpause straight away. But in overthrow F9 does nothing, apparently you can't unpause? What happens is that some games some ftrustrated kids just spam the pause button and ruin the game for everyone. Is there really no way to unpause?
Dimonychan (43) | July 10, 2015 9:22pm

Neat guide.

I liked the last part, especially ^_^ Pick Riki, Win...

Oh, and by the way, here's a funny video that is relevant:

Hillarious. And he is actually making a good point about Spell Immune heroes, I gotta add this... sometime.
ashwinthegrim (7) | July 10, 2015 8:08pm
Neat guide.

I liked the last part, especially ^_^ Pick Riki, Win...

Oh, and by the way, here's a funny video that is relevant:
Dimonychan (43) | July 1, 2015 8:02pm
I haven't played enough Dous and Trios msotly because I don't have a partner for that, and I can't test any combinations with a random guy. If I ever get a good 2/3 stack to play and test combos, I will update this guide, but now all I can give is general advice, unless AmnesiacGaming replies with his hero combos for Trios.

If anyone has any combinations that worked for him, I'll gladly consider them.
TheSofa (54) | July 1, 2015 7:09pm
Could you list some nice combos for Duet/Trio?

That'd be nice. Thanks!
Dimonychan (43) | July 1, 2015 9:57am

The Tier-List was for Forest map, where you play FFA deathmatch, at it has absolutely no place for guys like Abaddon and Omniknight as they do not fit any of playstyles(kill stealing, solo ganking, eliminating everyone with huge AOE damage and low cd spells)this mode dictates. They don't have a reliable burst(250 damage single-target nuke and weirdest AOE nuke-heal ever is justlaughable compared to what, say, Lina and Tiny possess), they can't quickly and effectively take out single targets, and they don't deal AOE gamage on low cooldown. So in FFA games they are trash, although in team deathmatch their abilities are very strong. I just can't do a proper Tier list for Desert and Mines since there are multiple heroes on the same side and some combos exist that can turn heroes from garbage to top tier stompers(basically any righclicker with Io for example).

On the other hand, I listed both Abaddon and Omniknight as heroes that are viable in pair or trio deathmatch, and noted that while supportive heroes are stronger in teams, kill-stealing and solo-ganking heroes like Clinkz or Riki falls off.

And Sentry Wards are not that much of a problem for you if you play an invis hero - after all, if you are invis, wards are mandatory for you, and you should just gain exp and steal some kills if you get the chance and later ward some places and kill people one on one, or just stalk skirmishes and steal all the kills.

Also, it is understandable that in Trio games you will see detection on every team, but in solo games barely anyone gets it, and I'm not playing in Normal or High skill bracket anymore, so people should understand that 200 gold can provide them with all the truesight they need early in the game... but they still don't care. That's if Custopm Games lobbies use unranked "MMR" data at all, which I highly doubt. If they don't, then gaming experience is the same for everyone and is random, and if people don't buy wards in my games, they generally don't bother with it in anyone's games.

Thank you for your feedback, my guide is mostly directed at Solo gameplay since I mostly played Forest, so if you have some interesting or just very strong combos you use in your games, I'll gladly add them in the guide.
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